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 Post subject: Bail bondsman arrested for firing gun while chasing fugitive
 Post Posted: Sun 02 Mar 2014 12:39 
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Jason Pollock
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 Post subject: Re: Bail bondsman arrested for firing gun while chasing fugi
 Post Posted: Sun 02 Mar 2014 15:12 
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"Witness accounts state that when the fugitive saw the bail bondsmen approaching, the fugitive began to run away and several shots were fired by Tyrone Williams,"

CAN WE GET ANY STUPIDER ? Good God Gerty ! Who needs the Government to put us out of business all the numnuts out there are going to do it for us :evil: Are there any NABBI Folks down that way that can try and get some kind of mandatory 'training' for these people ?


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 Post subject: Re: Bail bondsman arrested for firing gun while chasing fugi
 Post Posted: Tue 04 Mar 2014 10:07 
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What kind of moron would find it necessary to discharge his weapon at someone who 1. Who Had No Violent History. 2. Did not brandish a weapon firearm or otherwise. Was this jackass too out of shape to run the defendant down and then at that point if the defendant resisted there is Pepper Spray or Taser(Where legal of course). But you NEVER..NEVER fire to scare someone. This guy is definately a contender for a Darwin Award..Just my thoughts. 8)


Robert J Brown

Bail Bondsman
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Holmes Bail Bonding
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 Post subject: Re: Bail bondsman arrested for firing gun while chasing fugi
 Post Posted: Tue 04 Mar 2014 16:05 
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"Training", Luv? Oh, the possibilities are endless! When I was in bootcamp, a lifetime ago, sailors who were not performing to standards Good times.

Tom Duprey
Founding member, NABBI (Nat'l Assoc. of Bail Bond Inv.)
Ca. Bail Agent Lic#1845795
Owner/Operator, Thomas Duprey Bail Bonds
Owner/Operator, Orange County Bounty
(714) 727-4689

 Post subject: Re: Bail bondsman arrested for firing gun while chasing fugi
 Post Posted: Wed 05 Mar 2014 07:02 
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WTF !, this is starting to be an every week story somewhere in the industry. Some people are just damn fools and should never have access to firearms.

Training has been mentioned several times as we review these matters, however I tend to differ insofar as I sure that some type of professional firearms training and standards had to be completed before these individuals were allowed to carry a firearm for work related issues.

In this case this is a regulated state so the training was mandated, however it appears that this individual failed to understand the section that stated we do not shot at fleeing suspects to scare them or otherwise. Personally I hope this threw the book at him. IMHO...

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 Post subject: Re: Bail bondsman arrested for firing gun while chasing fugi
 Post Posted: Wed 05 Mar 2014 15:17 
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Yeps and that Training was fun to give at Naval Boot Camp :)

Nathan E Taylor
The Kehoe Group

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