Some of you like me have received invitations to rate others business, professional work, etc.
I have received 3 or 4 now, mostly from people I know and have no problem with endorsing.
However, when I looked at the link and read the disclaimer, MyBzCards wants to access my Linkledin account, send me emails, access my phone numbers etc.
I am sorry guys but I get hammered with 100s of emails, faxes and telemarketing calls each week. I don't need to add another group sending me more "stuff."
If anyone wants a personal reference, I am more than willing to send it by email or snail mail. But I don't have the time to deal with another social / business media source.
I dropped my FB account because I just spent too much time sorting through the garbage for very few important posts.
I hope I have not offended anyone but, if you requested a rating on this new MyBizCard and I didn't reply, that is why.