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 Post subject: Re: Coming into the business
 Post Posted: Mon 04 May 2009 12:36 
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And can anyone tell what "Lash" was famous for? I know and I'm sure Bill knows also.

I'm just old enough to have seen a few of his shows. (Not the porno movie!)

Metro 21,

Just a FYI. Most perverts and murders don't make bail. The bail set for them is usually very high or they have no bail at all if it is a capital murder case. So you wont be doing much chasing of them.

Then on the other hand if they do bail and fta, you better be prepared because they will do anything to get away.

So don't over estimate your abilities. As we are fond of using movie quotes here,

"A man has got to know his limitations." :!:

 Post subject: Re: Coming into the business
 Post Posted: Mon 04 May 2009 14:59 
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And can anyone tell what "Lash" was famous for? I know and I'm sure Bill knows also.

That would be his work with the Bullwhip, I think he was called the "The King of the Bullwhip" in his day. :wink:

Domestic Security Investigations
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