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Post subject: Bail Agent Posted: Thu 18 Mar 2004 10:10 |
Joined: Thu 25 Dec 2003 14:26 Posts: 430 Location: Tracy, California
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Good points, L.A.W..
I can't recall exactly where to direct references, but it is my understanding that only an insurance company can use the term 'Surety.'
The term 'Bondsman' is used to describe someone who writes bail without a surety using his or her own assets that are put up with the Department of Insurance.
Persons submitting bonds on behalf of a surety are called, 'Bail Agents.'
I use the term 'Bail Agent' since I am duly appointed to transact bail on behalf of several sureties as a 'Bail Agent,' and a good portion of my work is directly related to curing forfeitures for a said sureties.
So in essence, even a 'Bail Agent' using the term 'Bondsman' would be misleading, but using the term 'Bail Bonds' is case specific.
I am unclear on what would be the best generic term to replace 'Bounty Hunter' from state to state. 'Fugitive Recovery' is frequently used by civillian BEAs, but more and more law enforcement agencies are using this term.
'Bail Enforcement Agent' is probably the most universal term in which 'Bail' and the 'Enforcement' of a civil contract is denoted.
I appreciate the input since it moved me to specify certain points.
Again, this information varies from state to state and curious persons should research laws in their areas.
Post subject: Posted: Thu 18 Mar 2004 10:17 |
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Joined: Sat 07 Jun 2003 13:51 Posts: 705 Location: New England
Surety is the insurance company... Surety Agent is an agent of the Surety and/or insurance company.
_________________ Lance Allen Wilkinson
Recoveries by L.A.W.
Serving since 1984
“What is sought is found... what is overlooked escapes” (Oedipus Rex)
Post subject: Surety Posted: Fri 19 Mar 2004 11:07 |
Joined: Thu 25 Dec 2003 14:26 Posts: 430 Location: Tracy, California
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In California, a person who transacts bail for a surety is a Bail Agent as evidenced by my California Department of Insurance issued identification and paper license.
Laws vary from state to state to include the statutory language to define each state's laws.
For example, the California Penal Code has a section wherein a bail enforcement agent is called a Bail Fugitive Recovery Person.
I still believe that it is illegal for a BFRP to utilize the term 'Surety' in his or her fugitive recovery business name if he or she is not an insurance company licensed to transact bail in California.
One must take care not to subscribe to or give the impression of absolutism by making declarative statements that are arguably designed to create a blanket definition in a given area irrespective of individual state laws.
Post subject: Posted: Fri 30 Apr 2004 21:04 |
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Joined: Thu 01 Jan 2004 18:14 Posts: 83 Location: Riverside, California
Bail Enforcement Agent should be the standard for the industry. "Bounty Hunter" brings up a vision of a lawless person (any thoughts on whom I am speaking about?" So sticking with a professional description in my opinion is more appropriate. Bail Enforcement Officer is a no no . As to badges, we deisgned a badge for our agents that on-one in our industry or local alw enforcement uses. No way to get cornfused about it. And no matter what, poeple can still get the wro9ng impression. You could go out in your boxer shorts with a neon sign around your ass that blinks "bounty hunter" on and off. But as long as you are handcuffing defendants the public still seems to think we are law enforcement or as one citizen said " We are super law enforcement" JTheres my 2 c for ya.
_________________ Eric Kindley
Court Services Inc
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Phill Cross
Post subject: I agree Posted: Fri 30 Apr 2004 22:38 |
Joined: Mon 19 Aug 2002 05:03 Posts: 1163 Location: Orange County, California, USA
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Okay, for my 2 cents.
First, a brief background on me. I am a former Police Officer with Federal Protective Services, a division of the GSA (General Services Administration.) Of course, if you ask any Municipal or County Police Officer or Deputy, the will highly contest the fact of whether or not I was a "police officer." :) Never the less, I was trained at an academy and I was on the job for 10 years.
Previously I Served four years (peace time) as a Military Police Officer with The US Army with the 118th MP Airbourne.
So I have some what of a Police background, as it were. For the past three years I have been involved in the Bail Bond industry.
My job quite simply is: I assist in the apprehension and recovery of those persons who have violated the terms of their Bail Bond agreement, thereby becoming fugitives.
I feel that whatever, the city or state requires you be called formally is what you put on any leagl paperwork. However, personally I feel that you may call yourself whatever best pleases you. I normally refer to myself as a Fugitive Recovery Agent. Although I have used other terms to define or explain what it is I do.
I do like the name given by aaabailpros - " A personal driver that helps those inocent guys that are running slightly late for court." But that is quite long to put on a business card or Identification Card. 
_________________ PHiLL CRoSS Owner/Administrator Fugitive Recovery Network US Bail Bond Directory Private Investigator Database
Please post questions in the "Comments or Suggestions" Forum PM is only for private requests or comments
Post subject: Fugitive Recovery Agent Posted: Sun 02 May 2004 10:46 |
Joined: Thu 25 Dec 2003 14:26 Posts: 430 Location: Tracy, California
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Again, I use California in support of my view that not every place does everything the same way.
CPC 1299.07(c) gives rise to an argument AGAINST using the term "Fugitive Recovery" in BEA work.
In point of fact, the language "Fugitive Recovery" is being used by more and more LE agencies, and the aforementioned code makes it clear that BEAs are not allowed to use anything that would lead a "reasonable person [to] mistake [a BEA] for a government agency."
Phill Cross
Post subject: Posted: Mon 03 May 2004 06:37 |
Joined: Mon 19 Aug 2002 05:03 Posts: 1163 Location: Orange County, California, USA
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One other point - I was unable to acquire the domain name ( or .net) They were already registered.
However, I was able acquire the domain name - so I did...
Just in case you were wondering
I hope that doesn't prevent those who consider the term "incorrect" from taking part in our site. LOL So far it doesn't appear that it has.
BTW - I appreciate everyones' input and will be looking for some additional feedback on this site and its features. If anyone has idea for improvement - I'm all ears!
_________________ PHiLL CRoSS Owner/Administrator Fugitive Recovery Network US Bail Bond Directory Private Investigator Database
Please post questions in the "Comments or Suggestions" Forum PM is only for private requests or comments
Post subject: Posted: Tue 11 Jul 2006 14:01 |
Joined: Fri 23 Dec 2005 12:57 Posts: 538 Location: NE Alabama
FRN Agency ID #: 2065
Experience: 7 - 10 years
Very good points on this one...
_________________ Jay Shell Covering North East AL. AAA / Eagle Bail Bonds, LLC Anniston, AL 256.235.2437
Post subject: Posted: Tue 11 Jul 2006 20:44 |
Joined: Fri 14 Oct 2005 22:46 Posts: 128 Location: Washington state
In Washington State it has been mandated by the legislation that we use BAIL BOND RECOVERY AGENT which I have on the back of a vest and BAIL AGENT on a cap.
I have a badge which I cannot use in WASHINGTON which says BEA. I can use it in ID and Montana. I still have to check on Nevada.
I think BEA or BBRA are the best terms. I agree with Rex that BAIL has to be used somewhere.
BTW Rex, I will be finishing up my classes for my Washington state license this weekend. I have already been cleared in California by the Insurance commission to operate in CA pending my certs in Washington. I cannot use my handgun in Calif, since I don't liver there anymore (shotgun is OK?), but I will be sending you a full ID pack on myself as soon as I get my licensing.
If you remember, I have family 20 minutes from you and will be looking forward to meeting with you in the future, hoping to get some time with you as a backup. PS- LOVE THE BOOK!
_________________ Deen 360-606-4645 Office closed- thanks Obama
Winner do what losers refuse to do...
Post subject: Posted: Tue 11 Jul 2006 22:34 |
Joined: Fri 30 Aug 2002 07:31 Posts: 1111 Location: St.Louis, MO
FRN Agency ID #: 2
Experience: 7 - 10 years
Here in Missouri the state refers to us as Surety Recovery Agents so thats what we prefer to use, however we are not obligated to use that.
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