I would like to support the previous poster... Mr. Yak... of NJ... I have personally known Yak for at least 6 years and have worked with him on my cases out of NYC and surrounding areas and I can tell you...
He doesn't say a lot... but he is straight forward and whatever he tells you ,,,, you can take to the bank... I personally know his side kick "Chopper"... and as a dog lover for my entire life... I can also attest to the fact that "Chopper"... is one of the best...
You may not want to post a picture of Chopper but I'm gonna post this one, that has been on FRN before... history on it is simple... Tony Suggs of 'Castle Bail Bonds', Richmond, California, was in the back of my pickup several years ago when we were up in Maryland... Yak was also in the back seat and Chopper was in the middle... and I might mention that Scott MacLean of 'Chesapeake Bail Bonds' was in the front seat and can verify this story... Chopper was so taken with Tony that he decided to "kiss" him... and that... as they say... is the tag on this picture...
If Chopper comes at you... you best hope he just wants a kiss cause if he decides to use those "teeth"... you will discover the true meaning of his name...................... "CHOPPER"...
You probably can't tell what it is... but that is a diving board in the back of my truck... I won't elaborate the details of what it took 4 crusty old bail bondsmen and a dog to go to get a diving board out of Maryland on that sunny afternoon....
ps: I actually think Tony enjoyed this???????????