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 Post subject: Re: Dealing with landlords and people in neighboring apartme
 Post Posted: Sun 14 Aug 2011 17:28 
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Here's another little idea.... if there are two of you, you can knock and if no answer but you are pretty sure someone is there... say this in a loud voice.... "Well heck George... what are we gonna do with this check? I guess we just have to send it back"...

Very often, as you are walking away.... the door will come open quickly and they will say........... "What check?"... this is right up there with "Pizza Hut delivery!"... or "Fed Ex"... or "UPS!" (remember, I retired from UPS and I have several old uniforms and hats.... 8) 8)

As far as cooperation from the landlord.... I always, always go see them first, unless it is after hours and the office is closed... then do what you have to.... but I also have never kicked down a door...

Bill Marx, Sr.

DCJS: 99-176979
Cell: 434-294-0222

"Endeavor to Persevere" "Lone Watie"

"Good judgment comes from experience, and a lot of that , comes from bad judgment" "Will Rogers"

 Post subject: Re: Dealing with landlords and people in neighboring apartme
 Post Posted: Sun 14 Aug 2011 17:50 
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There is no bail pick up that is worth your personal safety, drunken people are unpredictable and therefore a safety risk. If the landlord says that you must leave the property, then you leave and wait for police outside. Staying after being told to leave makes you a trespasser and subject to criminal charges. Let’s not forget you get more done with a low impact approach.


What was it about your presentation that caused the landlord to address you at all? ~ Scott

I think that Scott has asked THE key question here.

Your answer here is . . . .

Again my approach is very low key, just a dude with a limp in street clothes and a fanny pack (That day I forgot the cane) nothing threatening. This Landlord got nosy and was uptight. The drunks were itching for a fight.

I honestly cannot see what I did wrong - if anyone can spot a deficiency, I am open to ideas or suggestions. ~Ron

What you did wrong is to not make first contact with the Management of the Complex. You made yourself to look suspicious, drawing attention to yourself. Do you not realize how many crazy, up to some thing **ucks look like defenseless people to get into their "mischief" ?

After reading your introduction again, it might be that you need more experience in recovering skips. This work is nothing like "Undercover Security" work. These folks are losing their freedom and some will go to extreme measures to ensure that doesn't happen.

Maybe find a Recovery Agent that has tons of experience in apprehending fugitives to show you the ropes befoe walking around with a cane, limp and fanny pack. ~ Bill Williams

Ron, the above is quote is going to be some of the very best advice that you are going to get. I am going to highly suggest that you take Bill Williams advice


Do not consider anything for your interest which makes you break your word, quit your modesty, or inclines you to any practice which will not bear the light, or look the world in the face .... Marcus Antonius


 Post subject: Re: Dealing with landlords and people in neighboring apartme
 Post Posted: Sun 14 Aug 2011 18:23 
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These members are the elite among us and will give you excellent advice... DSI, Scott M., LuVonda and although BWilliams has only been posting here recently... I have formed the opinion that he does in fact, know his stuff... all have vast experience in this business. I would bow to their expertize in any given situation.

Bill Marx, Sr.

DCJS: 99-176979
Cell: 434-294-0222

"Endeavor to Persevere" "Lone Watie"

"Good judgment comes from experience, and a lot of that , comes from bad judgment" "Will Rogers"

 Post subject: Re: Dealing with landlords and people in neighboring apartme
 Post Posted: Sun 14 Aug 2011 22:48 
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LuVonda wrote:
There is no bail pick up that is worth your personal safety, drunken people are unpredictable and therefore a safety risk. If the landlord says that you must leave the property, then you leave and wait for police outside. Staying after being told to leave makes you a trespasser and subject to criminal charges. Let’s not forget you get more done with a low impact approach.


What was it about your presentation that caused the landlord to address you at all? ~ Scott

I think that Scott has asked THE key question here.

Your answer here is . . . .

Again my approach is very low key, just a dude with a limp in street clothes and a fanny pack (That day I forgot the cane) nothing threatening. This Landlord got nosy and was uptight. The drunks were itching for a fight.

I honestly cannot see what I did wrong - if anyone can spot a deficiency, I am open to ideas or suggestions. ~Ron

What you did wrong is to not make first contact with the Management of the Complex. You made yourself to look suspicious, drawing attention to yourself. Do you not realize how many crazy, up to some thing **ucks look like defenseless people to get into their "mischief" ?

After reading your introduction again, it might be that you need more experience in recovering skips. This work is nothing like "Undercover Security" work. These folks are losing their freedom and some will go to extreme measures to ensure that doesn't happen.

Maybe find a Recovery Agent that has tons of experience in apprehending fugitives to show you the ropes befoe walking around with a cane, limp and fanny pack. ~ Bill Williams

Ron, the above is quote is going to be some of the very best advice that you are going to get. I am going to highly suggest that you take Bill Williams advice

I've done process serving, car repo's and door to door collections; so I am not a virgin at approaching people who don't want me there.

In this case; this was a 4 plex and the landlord was right there working, he stopped us mainly because we were white folks knocking on the door of an African American - according to someone who called me later, he is a bit of a jerk - and that was from someone who lives there.

I am not a BEA and don't profess to be. I am the bail agent, just helping out. In this case it was to be a simple door knock on a client whose phone number was disconnected and missed a court date.

Ron Hartley

To avoid confusion and misunderstanding:
I am fairly new in the bail bonds part of the legal system. I've been in the legal profession 25 years - Paralegal and Legal investigator.

I am not a BEA - just a Bondsman trying to improve and become a better bondsman.

 Post subject: Re: Dealing with landlords and people in neighboring apartme
 Post Posted: Mon 15 Aug 2011 17:59 
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I'm not commenting on the landlord part, but you can not assume that it is "a simple door knock" because the "phone number was disconnected" when trying to get in touch/catch a person with a warrant ("missed court date"). Some times you come across a simple case, but never go in assuming it's simple, just my 2 cents.

If the world didn't suck we would all fall off. (Luvonda)
Nobody has power over you that you do not allow them to have. (Scott)
Be careful of the seeds you plant because one day they will be harvested.

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 Post subject: Re: Dealing with landlords and people in neighboring apartme
 Post Posted: Mon 15 Aug 2011 18:16 
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My take on this thread is that if Ron has over 10 years in the bond business, as reflected in his listing... he probably has a handle on things... I think everyone is just chimin' in on your post... and as I always say... everyone has an opinion... sounded to me like the landlord was the problem here and probably nothing you could have done to improve the outcome... I have run into those types myself... and I am a really nice guy :shock: with a jovial personality :lol: :lol: :roll: who knows how to talk the talk 8) 8) ... and people crap on me all the time... I usually just laugh it off and put it in my little book for future reference.... :wink: :wink:

Let's say that you and an assistant are walking to the door with your clients registered address and the landlord refuses to let you knock and demands the police be present; and while waiting for the police two drunken neighbors start threatening you and creating a scene. Do you leave or wait for the police?

... of course, you asked the question and it appears, you got some answers... I think I would have just walked away and waited for the police... of course I would have had Scott or Yak or Matt or Dave with me so if the drunks got rowdy... I would have just pointed them in the direction of my buddies... 8) 8) and said... "sickum".... 8)

My advice... always take a really big, mean lookin' dude... or two... with you if you expect anything more than a grandmother....

Bill Marx, Sr.

DCJS: 99-176979
Cell: 434-294-0222

"Endeavor to Persevere" "Lone Watie"

"Good judgment comes from experience, and a lot of that , comes from bad judgment" "Will Rogers"

 Post subject: Re: Dealing with landlords and people in neighboring apartme
 Post Posted: Tue 16 Aug 2011 14:23 
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8) Thanks for all the input and suggestions, they will be logged into the memory bank and this thread will be reviewed from time to time as a point of reference. 8)

If I may point :arrow: out in my very first post....


Ron wrote:
Good afternoon:

My name is Ron and I am a Bail Bond Agent with You Walk Bail Bonds and working out of Minneapolis. I confess that I am fairly new in the bail bond business, but I am not new to the legal system. I am a Certified Legal Assistant with 25 plus years of legal investigation under the hat.

I do not profess to be a bounty hunter or fugitive recovery agent, but if the need arises I do my best. I am smart enough to take younger bodies with me when I do go out there. :twisted:

I am still learning this side of the criminal justice system; I am not trying to be a bounty hunter / BEA. Once in a while a small bond goes south, some Recovery people won't take it on and in Minnesota the bond agency is "fined'' by some judges each time someone FTA's. Hence I wrote the bond and I have to get involved in finding the person.

Normally I can defuse most situations

(example: 6'8" screaming maniac in my face recently. Within a few minutes I was leaning against his car window chatting with him with him calmed down; practically making a few friend... to the chagrin of my back up - who just wanted to mace the idiot)

How ever in this guy's case, he had an axe to grind with the bond business... no doubt he got burned in the past and took it out on me. Whatever the reason, it was what I do, not who I am that created the problem. The drunks - well if you are drunk by 1pm in the afternoon that says a lot about you and your ability to reason.

Many years ago - and not long after I left High School; I attended a modified police academy for security officers and Private investigators that our local sheriff's department put on at the police training facility. Time and again one instructor let us know that it is what we are, not who we are that people will react to.

Ron Hartley

To avoid confusion and misunderstanding:
I am fairly new in the bail bonds part of the legal system. I've been in the legal profession 25 years - Paralegal and Legal investigator.

I am not a BEA - just a Bondsman trying to improve and become a better bondsman.

 Post subject: Re: Dealing with landlords and people in neighboring apartme
 Post Posted: Tue 16 Aug 2011 15:09 
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Ron, Your "experience" states" 10 or more years . . . which is it ?

Either way, bottom line is . . . you did not do your "check in" and drew unwanted and un-necessary attention to yourself.

I hope that you take the time to learn from that experience and not repeat it.


Do not consider anything for your interest which makes you break your word, quit your modesty, or inclines you to any practice which will not bear the light, or look the world in the face .... Marcus Antonius


 Post subject: Re: Dealing with landlords and people in neighboring apartme
 Post Posted: Tue 16 Aug 2011 15:19 
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LuVonda wrote:
Ron, Your "experience" states" 10 or more years . . . which is it ?

Either way, bottom line is . . . you did not do your "check in" and drew unwanted and un-necessary attention to yourself.

I hope that you take the time to learn from that experience and not repeat it.


My experience? I stated 25 years in the legal industry and fairly new in the bond industry. Where did I say 10 years?

Added - :arrow: :arrow: Found what you were talking about; I will correct that. User error.

25 years in the legal industry, fairly new as a bondsman. If memory serves me correctly, I think I made a few mistakes that someone asked me to correct (it was late at night) when I set my account. The info in my 1st post is correct.

What do you mean by "check in"? if you mean contacting the police - we always notify the police when we are doing a door knock - the cars in the area are then prepared if we need assistance.

Ron Hartley

To avoid confusion and misunderstanding:
I am fairly new in the bail bonds part of the legal system. I've been in the legal profession 25 years - Paralegal and Legal investigator.

I am not a BEA - just a Bondsman trying to improve and become a better bondsman.

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