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 Post subject: Re: Laser sights for various models
 Post Posted: Wed 27 Jan 2010 10:17 
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I got a GTL 21 for my Glock 10mm, I haven't even used it. Problem that I have found is I can't find a holster that will hold my Glock 20 with the GTL 21 attached to it. Kind of a pain in the butt to have to take it off and on every time, but it is good to have the light with the laser, if you can get a holster to keep it all attached all the time. I am thinking about selling mine and if anything getting a internal for it or for my Springfield, maybe even both.

Outlaw Fugitive Recovery

 Post subject: Re: Laser sights for various models
 Post Posted: Sun 31 Jan 2010 22:31 
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You know, I have come to the conclusion, after much thought, that I just might leave this alone... I think there is a point at which a person just doesn't have a need for that much high tech stuff... I think I am at that point.

This is a personal thing and I am of the opinion that at my level of need... I probably would be better off without it. I guess some folks may feel a need and they should certainly add this to their weapons... but I'm not broke so I won't fix it. 8)

Bill Marx, Sr.

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 Post subject: Re: Laser sights for various models
 Post Posted: Tue 02 Feb 2010 11:28 
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This is a question of opinion:

Do you feel that laser sights might diminish the accuracy of the shooter, over time? I guess this would apply if the sight batteries go dead or they malfunction somehow...maybe if you are in a situation where you could not use them or it would be ill advised to. In addition, we were taught about the main fear that most people have...."the subject aiming for the sight" scenario. What are your thoughts?

I ask because we were taught in a class that this is the "side effects" to using them. A person that uses laser sights will become dependant on them and lose any accuracy when they cannot be used. Whether this is true or not, I have no idea. That is why I am asking. I have laser sights for my Glock 40 and my Colt 1911a1 45 but I use them very little. I always practice without the use of the sights to (hopefully) maintain or improve accuracy, even when I am not using the sights. Then, knowing the way a handgun is held, aiming for a laser is a near guarantee that a fatal shot will be delivered. My thought is that these sights are not to be depended on but they have their use. Heck, that little red or green dot gains a lot of respect even when the weapon itself does not. I don’t know how many times my Taser dot has calmed a situation when nothing else was working…..and I have still never OC Sprayed, Tasered, or shot anyone. A calm word, an explanation, and a red dot (for back up) and I have gotten very lucky. Those conditions even work on base and in training :) So what say you?

Thomas SnoWolf
FRN# 1999
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 Post subject: Re: Laser sights for various models
 Post Posted: Tue 02 Feb 2010 12:01 
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My thought's exactly. That red dot sure can change attitudes very quickly. The one on the other end does not know if it is a taser or a firearm. They do know that it's not good!

Outlaw Fugitive Recovery

 Post subject: Re: Laser sights for various models
 Post Posted: Tue 02 Feb 2010 15:39 
I agree with you Sno. To be well rounded, a person needs to practice with and without the laser. The same goes for practicing how to shoot with either hand. As for the lethal shot coming at you, how many people go through that yard or house with their flashlight holding it like they normally would? There's different styles of shooting with a flashlight, most of them being the light hand is the support hand. When just searching, I'll stick the light out to one side (arms length). They aim for my light and I aim for their flash. I'm not paranoid or "gung ho" but I do practice shooting from every position I can come up with except standing on my head. You never know how a situation can turn out.

 Post subject: Re: Laser sights for various models
 Post Posted: Tue 02 Feb 2010 19:36 
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Icer, that is the same way that the local SO train to do things. since almost all of my re-certs are through them, that is how I have been taught.....but of course they do not believe in lasers, at all. The only experience I have is with the ones I use and the few people I have run into that use them. The SO seem to feel there is no benefit to a laser sight and a ton of negative....but if I talk to SWAT or a Special Missions Unit, that all changes. That is proof of how different Recovery is from the job of most LE, i guess. Thank you for your response.

Thomas SnoWolf
FRN# 1999
GAPB 20120726
"The hero is not the man that acts without fear,
He is the man that acts inspite of fear"

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