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 Post subject: Re: Fugitive Shot By Bail Bondmen
 Post Posted: Tue 17 Jun 2008 17:19 
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LuVonda wrote:
I think that for a change the BBA came out on top . . . good job steve!


I saw this article again, so I read it fully this time. Not noticing that A Way Out Bail Bonds was listed in it. Man, am I a air head or what? Now I see why you thought it was possibley my company.

I own my company A Way Out Bail Bonds. When I first started this company, I ask my wife to come up with a name for it, since this was going to be part of our money maker. Well, she did, A Way Out Bail Bonds " There's No Place Like Home". I never thought to check online to see how many others was using the same name. There's one in Las Vegas that has a bad rap about taking someone's money and never getting them out jail. Man, when customer's call us, I have to explain to them that anin't us.

Sorry LuVonda!!!

Steve Faircloth
A Way Out Bail Bonds
(220) 204-9733 Cell
NSIN# SF0105
LIC. #704058

 Post subject: Re: Fugitive Shot By Bail Bondmen
 Post Posted: Thu 19 Jun 2008 18:52 
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man thats a tough draw
AWOBB wrote:
LuVonda wrote:
I think that for a change the BBA came out on top . . . good job steve!


I saw this article again, so I read it fully this time. Not noticing that A Way Out Bail Bonds was listed in it. Man, am I a air head or what? Now I see why you thought it was possibley my company.

I own my company A Way Out Bail Bonds. When I first started this company, I ask my wife to come up with a name for it, since this was going to be part of our money maker. Well, she did, A Way Out Bail Bonds " There's No Place Like Home". I never thought to check online to see how many others was using the same name. There's one in Las Vegas that has a bad rap about taking someone's money and never getting them out jail. Man, when customer's call us, I have to explain to them that anin't us.

Sorry LuVonda!!!


Leland Painter
Licensed GA Bail
Recovery Agent
Chatsworth, GA
NSIN # LP0308

 Post subject: Re: Fugitive Shot By Bail Bondmen
 Post Posted: Fri 20 Jun 2008 07:12 
in memoriam
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AWOBB wrote:
Now I see why you thought it was possibly my company.

Yep, I thought it was you also Steve.... but figured it woulda been Franklin county.... not sure where Charlotte county was....... except maybe NC....

anyway........... nice to see a positive spin on us for a change....

BTW, hope the deal in Hampton works out for ya........... call me anytime and if I can be of help... it will happen......... ALSO... I LIKE YOUR WEBSITE... VERY PROFESSIONAL.......

Bill Marx, Sr.

DCJS: 99-176979
Cell: 434-294-0222

"Endeavor to Persevere" "Lone Watie"

"Good judgment comes from experience, and a lot of that , comes from bad judgment" "Will Rogers"

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