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Post subject: Re: BOUNTY HUNTERS KILL Posted: Mon 26 May 2008 18:42 |
Joined: Fri 28 Mar 2008 04:55 Posts: 1269 Location: Maryland, Delaware, & Virginia
FRN Agency ID #: 1988
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Very well written, I agree with you in that we should wait until the state investigation is complete and use its findings as a learning tool. Every day Bail Enforcement Agents put their life on the line just like other criminal justice professionals without as much as a simple thank you from the public who really have no idea what we do. So again I agree with you, lets support these heroes until otherwise shown that we should not.
_________________ Domestic Security Investigations P.O. Box 4462 Rockville, MD 20849 Tel: 1-800-387-0787 Anti-Moral Majority Club President "Fear not the unknown, Fear the person who controls the unknown" Gene 7:14
Post subject: Re: BOUNTY HUNTERS KILL Posted: Mon 26 May 2008 19:02 |
in memoriam |
Joined: Thu 16 Jun 2005 16:04 Posts: 4598 Location: NE Alabama
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None of us were there, none of us knows the reality of the incident. The media sensationalized it to sell papers or increase ratings..that's thier job.
It is an unfortunate incident, a human life was taken; granted it was done so by the defendant's own actions. He did have the option of surrendering. But nonetheless, those agents will have to live with thier actions for the rest of thier lives. They will constantly relive those horrific moments, as if trapped in time, with everyone badgering them about "woulda's, coulda's, and shoulda's"...well you know what ? No one knows how they will react until they themselves are put in a similar situation.
So I choose to adopt a wait and see attitude. Thier case could be used in future training seminar's as a training tool.
Remember, everyone is innocent until proven guilty.
_________________ River City Associates Decatur, Al. 35601
Post subject: Re: BOUNTY HUNTERS KILL Posted: Mon 26 May 2008 23:46 |
Joined: Fri 11 Apr 2008 19:30 Posts: 69 Location: Huntsville, AL
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[quote="Caz"]Wow, "Bounty Hunters Kill"?? That was the best title you could come up with?
It is what it is. The truth of the matter is these agents did kill him, that statement does not immediately mean they are guilty, it just mean they took his life whether it was in self defense or not. I personally believe that with various accounts of this story that I have heard, these guys have a good defense in the event that criminal charges are made. Caz, please don't think anyone was attacking these gentlemen for having to make a life changing decision, most of us would have made the same, the poster was just stating the ONE undeniable fact, so far, these agents did kill him.
_________________ Harley Watts Huntsville, AL
"As You Seek, So Shall You Find."
Post subject: Re: BOUNTY HUNTERS KILL Posted: Tue 27 May 2008 14:33 |
Please excuse my defensiveness.  I've been fielding a lot of craziness over this incident (and other industry topics) from all sorts of angles so I've been beating the trail trying to get folks to be supportive and non-judgemental. I definitely do appreciate the folks that are open and have reserved critical comments on the situation. Thanks much for the support!! I still have a problem with the title because "killing" is quite a negative term. "Fatal shooting", for instance, would be a much more neutral term. "Bounty Hunters Kill" is, to me, and inflamatory and sensational headline. Of course it's entirely up to the poster to use whatever terminology perfered, and the thought might not even have come up. I will just keep doing my thing and providing my own perspective on what I see and hear, no offense folks! So far there are some sketchy issues related to the entire incident, but things are still looking positive for the agents. No word yet on prosecutor's position or intention but I will be sure to keep you guys posted as soon as I hear more. 
Post subject: Re: BOUNTY HUNTERS KILL Posted: Tue 27 May 2008 15:26 |
Joined: Thu 09 Mar 2006 14:51 Posts: 3344
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Its the news media that used the phrase, Bounty Hunters Killed...... Like it or not, the "dog" hype has put the whole profession under the spotlight. So anytime anyone does anything that MAY be controversal, it will illict sensational headlines.
The headlines sells newspapers or get viewers to watch. Afterwards, if the truth comes out and it clears someone, it does not make headlines, just a back page 1 paragraph "by the way" type story.
Post subject: Re: BOUNTY HUNTERS KILL Posted: Tue 27 May 2008 21:18 |
Joined: Fri 11 Apr 2008 19:30 Posts: 69 Location: Huntsville, AL
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I understand and respect your position , I am in full support of any of our brothers and sisters in this industry as long as they are justified and legal. Like RWB said, none of us were there so most of our opinions on the matter are merely speculation to this point and should be treated as such, the facts of the case will be brought to light in due time.
Take Care & God Bless
_________________ Harley Watts Huntsville, AL
"As You Seek, So Shall You Find."
Post subject: Re: BOUNTY HUNTERS KILL Posted: Tue 27 May 2008 21:30 |
in memoriam |
Joined: Tue 24 May 2005 14:46 Posts: 3334 Location: Colorado
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Sadly it is the sensationalism and negative news that sells. We don't post these stories to be negative, but so that we can all be aware of them if or when confronted.
Say I go to pick someone up tomorrow and I have my handgun on me, drawn or not. The skip or someone else sees it and starts in on me about how I'm just going to shoot them like those bounty hunters in WA did. My response will be not unless they threaten me, just as that skip did. There are also times when we are very opinionated (we are very liability issue oriented) when we read about a BEA that shot out the back window of a fleeing car when the defendant wasn't even in it, or shot at a skip running away on the sidewalk in front of a schoolyard. In those cases there was no self defense, or defense of another. This wasn't the case here, and everyone is pretty much neutral until we find out more. We may not know all of the details, but at least we don't look dumb and just say "huh?"
It makes sense to copy the media headline to make it easily recognizable to others who check out the media. It saves different people from posting the same or a related story under different topic headings. This has happened more than once.
Caz, we appreciate you doing the research and keeping us posted. Too often none of us know the person(s) involved, and it it very hard to follow up on the details and results. I can promise you that if the same situation had happened in CO, the BEA's would have been arrested, charged with a felony, and had to pay major attorney fees to literally fight for their lives. I am glad to see that your state is more open to investigating first.
_________________ Kathy Blackshear Blackshear Investigations Blackshear Bail Bonds Sales Associate, Prepaid Legal Services, Inc. Walsenburg, CO
Proud Member of the AB Reject Club
Post subject: Bounty Hunters Kill Suspect in Lakewood Posted: Fri 30 May 2008 16:02 |
By the way, the headline to this article was not "Bounty Hunters Kill". It was "Bounty Hunters Kill Suspect in Lakewood". Maybe it's just me but that still sounds like two pretty different statements.
I'm sure the response will be that the whole title wouldn't fit in the headline, but I gotta make that point. Oh does fit....hmmmm....
Post subject: Re: BOUNTY HUNTERS KILL Posted: Fri 30 May 2008 16:31 |
Joined: Mon 14 Feb 2005 10:59 Posts: 7563 Location: Arkansas
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BUT the title DID grab your attention and that is exactly what a title is supposed to do. Has anymore been forthcoming on this matter?
Do not consider anything for your interest which makes you break your word, quit your modesty, or inclines you to any practice which will not bear the light, or look the world in the face .... Marcus Antonius I AM Some Folks "KARMA" and A MODERATOR @ FRN
Post subject: Re: BOUNTY HUNTERS KILL Posted: Fri 29 May 2009 06:18 |
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Joined: Mon 25 May 2009 16:38 Posts: 17 Location: georgia
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i agree with josh dont jump the the gun till you know the facts i do know some of the agent invollved in this case and thay are all trained thru wa dep licensing in the highest standard and getting better , so i ask u what would u do if someone was a aiming a gun are coming at u with a vehicle there is no deference under the conditions that is. these agents were justified in in the condition thay were sucjuct to ,anyway check out the facts before u jump to a conclusion. Caz wrote: Wow, "Bounty Hunters Kill"?? That was the best title you could come up with? Here's the scoop on this incident thus far:
The defendant was wanted on multiple felony drug and weapons charges. He had been picked up before by the agents and the prosecutor refused to let them off the bond so they had to go get him again. Two firearms were found in the car and I have heard that he may have actually shot at the agents before in another attempt to arrest him. Regardless, he attempted to get away with his vehicle and crashed into other cars and put the agents' lifes in jeopardy. That's the story and to me it doesn't seem much different than many offier-involved shootings. In Washington State we are certified and licensed and were are making great progress in the training and background of agents in the field.
Let's try to be a bit more positive and supportive folks!! If we assume things are bad and ugly every time we see something like this, we will only contribute to our own destructive image. I choose to create a different view of what we do and I make that choice in every opportunity I am presented with. Until the prosecutor's office comes out with criminal charges against the agents (which doesn't seem at all likely) I will reserve any negative thoughts or statements.