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 Post subject: 'Dog the Bounty hunter' locked up in Atlanta!
 Post Posted: Tue 27 May 2008 11:22 
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'Dog the Bounty hunter' locked up in Atlanta!

Alanta, GA - Police were called to the Omni Hotel last night to quell a rowdy fracas
between a well known television personality and a wannabe Presidential candidate!

Dwayne Chapman, (aka Dog the Bounty Hunter) was arrested for, as he put it, 'punching
out the lights of the little wimp' when he physically punched Congressman Ron Paul in the

The fight started when Ron Paul's entourage entered the hotel and crossed paths with
Chapman's group of bounty hunters who were in Memphis seeking a fugitive.

A recent newspaper article about Ron Paul's 'hatred for dogs,' was the precursor to the
angry words that bantered between the two opposing groups. Chapman's camp took the
meaning that Paul hated 'Dog'!

Once Chapman heard the reference, he cold-conked Paul in the nose with a beefy fist,
knocking him to the floor.

Police arrested Chapman and released him after he signed several autographs at the
Atlanta jail.

the spoof
http://www.thespoof.com/news/spoof.cfm? ... e=s2i35743

Steve Faircloth
A Way Out Bail Bonds
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 Post subject: Re: 'Dog the Bounty hunter' locked up in Atlanta!
 Post Posted: Tue 27 May 2008 11:42 
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You had me for a while! :shock: :lol:

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 Post subject: Re: 'Dog the Bounty hunter' locked up in Atlanta!
 Post Posted: Tue 27 May 2008 11:47 
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:lol: you had me too, but that's because I wouldn't put anything past them. :lol:

If the world didn't suck we would all fall off. (Luvonda)
Nobody has power over you that you do not allow them to have. (Scott)
Be careful of the seeds you plant because one day they will be harvested.

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 Post subject: Re: 'Dog the Bounty hunter' locked up in Atlanta!
 Post Posted: Tue 27 May 2008 17:56 
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I was sittin here reading and saying "There wasn't anything on the news. This can't be right" Then I got to the end. Good one.

Thomas SnoWolf
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He is the man that acts inspite of fear"

 Post subject: Re: 'Dog the Bounty hunter' locked up in Atlanta!
 Post Posted: Wed 28 May 2008 09:29 
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Do you know how many poeple are going to believe this!
LOTS . . . . LMAO


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