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 Post subject: Bail Bonds Man Arrested For Theft.
 Post Posted: Tue 01 Apr 2008 07:45 
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CLEVELAND, Tenn. — Local bail bondsman and former Cleveland City Councilman Rod Davis was arrested today on a felony theft charge, according to Assistant District Attorney Stephen Hatchett.

Mr. Davis was indicted on single count of theft of property over $10,000, Mr. Hatchett said. The charge comes in connection with a complaint that Mr. Davis accepted a deed to property in order to secure a bond, officials said.

Paperwork in the case was still being processed this afternoon and many details were not immediately available.

Mr. Hatchett said Mr. Davis was arrested at the Bradley County Justice Center around 11 a.m. by TBI agent Barry Brakebill, and that he made bond shortly afterward and was released.

He could not immediately be reached for comment.

No arraignment date has been set, Circuit Court Clerk Gayla Miller said.

Mr. Davis served on the Cleveland City Council seat until 2006, when he was defeated by Bill Estes.

See Tuesday’s Times Free Press for complete coverage.

Chattanooga bonding co.

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 Post Posted: Tue 01 Apr 2008 16:33 
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Former Cleveland city council member Rod Davis says he's not guilty. Davis got arrested and charged with theft Monday morning. It all revolves around a piece of property he took as collateral for a bond.

Davis spoke with WDEF News 12 tonight to give his side.

Rod Davis, "I just want to set the record straight."

Pointing to documents he says proves his innocence Davis described what happened Monday morning.

Davis, "I was approached by the TBI agent saying he had an arrest warrant for my arrest for theft over a thousand dollars pertaining to a property collateral. "

Davis says he accepted a trailer home at 750 county road as collateral.

He provided documents showing Tennessee code that supports his actions.

Davis, "A bonding company has the legal right to take any kind of form of collateral as long as we give a reciept. That's provided in the TCA code. That's what we've done and that's why I was so anxious to get this out to the public."

He's being accused of taking the property with no intention of giving it back but he says that's not the case.

Davis, "If we had intent to do anything criminal we would have never drew up the second document stating that once they paid the bond off then they'd get the property back. They never paid one dime for this property."

Still Davis says after talking with the DA s office he decided to give the property back more than a month ago.

He's now trying to get his money back in civil court. He says the charge damages not only his reputation but his family's and friends.

Davis, "It's just devastating to me that the Da's office would go this far to prosecute someone who tried to do everything within the letter of the law." Davis , "When something like this happens, whew, you know it hurts. It really does."

Davis says he will be arraigned April 7th. He says he'll plead not guilty. He's asking for the community's support and prayers. TBI could not be reached for comment.

Chattanooga bonding co.

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 Post Posted: Tue 08 Apr 2008 13:36 
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[quote/] back it up with the right paper work to cover yourself.[/quote]

That s the key phrase in some cases ,. . . there are bad apples in most every crowd


Do not consider anything for your interest which makes you break your word, quit your modesty, or inclines you to any practice which will not bear the light, or look the world in the face .... Marcus Antonius


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