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 Post Posted: Thu 20 Mar 2008 12:45 
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Well kathy,

It just so happens that I got a call from the same marketing company less than a hour ago. He wanted to sell me those pens that say,

"We Put Your Feet Back On The Street!"

I get a different personn from this company calling me 2 or 3 times a year.

My usual response is, " Who is the A$$h@@@ that came up with that lame slogan? Is it someone in your company?

Usually there is a long pause. Then I follow up with, "If thats the best your geniuses can come up with, I sure the he!! will not buy any of your products!"

I suggest you call some other bail bond agency that can not think of a better marketing plan than yours.


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 Post Posted: Thu 20 Mar 2008 18:12 
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Kathy is completely right about it being illegal for a cell phone to be auto dialed by any form of preprogramed hardware or software devices and/or programs. If they do call you, there have been cases that have won in a court on the grounds of invasion of private information AND harrasement. Just a thought, i wanted to put my two cents and the piece of lint in.


Ricardo "STEEL" Zambujo
(Southern New Jersey Region)
S.O.R.A. Certified NJ Security Guard

Former Military Honorable / Medical (Retired for Life)
U.S. Army / Fort Knox / 1-81 Armor / 19-D Cavalry Armored Reconnaissance Scout

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 Post subject:
 Post Posted: Fri 21 Mar 2008 15:12 
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I have the same problem as kathy, all of my RCF lines are forwarded to one cell phone. I never know what number originated the call.

My bigger issue is spam faxes. I have called the numbers at the bottom of the page and they do not stop. I believe that they are off shore companies and are outside of the law. I have to periodically unplug my fax until they purge the number from their systems.

The ink and papar get expensive!


R.E. "Scott" MacLean III

"Leaders are like Eagles, you never see them in a flock, but one at a time"

Chesapeake Group Investigations, Inc.
Chesapeake Bail Bonds
301-392-1100 (fax)
301-392-1900 (Office)

 Post subject:
 Post Posted: Fri 21 Mar 2008 18:55 
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As we added numbers, we got 800 #s so that they would display the number that is calling. At the least it will say "out of area."

So we have an idea whether its a telemarketer or not.

Scott, we had the same problem with the junk faxes. So our stays unplugged until someone calls us to say they what to send a fax.

Every now and then we forget and leave it plugged in. But the number of junk fax calls have gone way downnnnn.

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