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 Post subject: Barber Update ....
 Post Posted: Mon 19 Feb 2007 17:31 
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February 19
Update on Barber
According to the NJ Department of Corrections:

William M. Barber is: currently serving: 3 years for 1 count/merged count of: 2C:28-7*3 Tamper/Public Records/3 Office Date January 5, 2001

(note he was still living with me in January, did NOT leave me until January 11) He got 3 years. He served only 10 months of this sentence and was put on Parole. He skipped parole, was arrested in Mo, and extradited back to NJ. He is now incarcerated in CRAF, and another sentence of 352 days has been added.

Again, the victims of Barber had written to the judge during the original sentencing, telling the Judge he will do this again. He did!

1 count/merged count of 2 CL28-7AI*3 Tamper/Public Record-False Entry/3 was added, the offense date: December 11, 2006.

It never ceases to amaze me that authorities allow these people to get off, they are repeat offenders and have been doing these things all their lives, practically.

When you look at other cases that have gone to trial, you can notice a trend, the criminals almost always get away with a light sentence and very little time. It is just ridiculous.

This man has had more than three strikes against him. How many more strikes will he need for authorities to understand that he will continue to find victims? How many other people will have to suffer at the hands of this predator?

I don't have the answers, but I know that even in prison he has the ability to write to someone, call someone, etc. He will not stop because he will continue to con another victim.

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 Post Posted: Tue 26 Feb 2008 18:24 
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FRN Agency ID #: 340
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He is living in PA


Do not consider anything for your interest which makes you break your word, quit your modesty, or inclines you to any practice which will not bear the light, or look the world in the face .... Marcus Antonius


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