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Post subject: Posted: Sat 16 Feb 2008 06:56 |
Joined: Sun 16 Jan 2005 11:40 Posts: 966 Location: New Jersey
FRN Agency ID #: 1208
Experience: More than 10 years
Steve8 wrote;
>>first of all i never carry a gun (carry tasser) i don't believe in killing. if you are good enough you can catch them while they are least expecting it. i like dog's method.
>>dog delt with andrew luster. and he only used mace. or many others. i know he is kind of mokery. especially his style. but what i like about him is that he helps people turn their lives.
1) Your using the word "killing" when it should be "protection".
2) How exactly does dog turn peoples lives around ??, he isn't a psychologist, he's just an actor who turns on his mumbo jumbo behind
his tears & wimpering for the camera. If you think that anybody can turn a crack, meth, or any type of drug addicts life around that easy, your wrong.
_________________ Yak .... H.B.I.C. Riverside Enforcement Hackensack NJ 07601 Ph. (201) 538 - 2947 Fax (201) 342 - 5405
Post subject: Posted: Sat 16 Feb 2008 07:24 |
Joined: Thu 23 Nov 2006 18:44 Posts: 1311 Location: San Ramon, CA
FRN Agency ID #: 1366
Experience: 7 - 10 years
you know why Dog can't have weapons?
Because he is a convicted felon...
He glamorizes the industry... Do the real
work and see what its like..
Post subject: Posted: Sat 16 Feb 2008 13:23 |
Joined: Thu 06 Jul 2006 14:22 Posts: 3982 Location: Maryland and Virginia
FRN Agency ID #: 455
Experience: More than 10 years
Why don't you fill out your profile and/or add a signature line so that we know what jobs you hold in this industry? It would be very beneficial to the rest of us who have already done so.
_________________ R.E. "Scott" MacLean III
"Leaders are like Eagles, you never see them in a flock, but one at a time"
Chesapeake Group Investigations, Inc. Chesapeake Bail Bonds 877-574-0500 301-392-1100 (fax) 301-392-1900 (Office)
Post subject: Posted: Sat 16 Feb 2008 19:06 |
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Joined: Tue 22 Feb 2005 19:28 Posts: 1807 Location: Ohio & Nationwide
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Mdbtyhtr wrote: Steve8 Why don't you fill out your profile and/or add a signature line so that we know what jobs you hold in this industry? It would be very beneficial to the rest of us who have already done so.
I Agree...
_________________ Steve Faircloth A Way Out Bail Bonds (220) 204-9733 Cell NSIN# SF0105 LIC. #704058
Post subject: Posted: Sun 17 Feb 2008 10:00 |
Joined: Tue 12 Dec 2006 17:33 Posts: 1611 Location: Sharpsburg, Georgia
FRN Agency ID #: 1999
Experience: 7 - 10 years
Please fill out the profile and signature.
As far as Dog goes, I have met many people that have worked with him. Most all tell stories of his "less than legal" and even "less than moral" actions. I had the chance to shake his hand and speak with him, once. I am a fairly good judge of character. I was not impressed by his actions, manorism, or character. He comes off as very arrogant with his "I have accomplished this" and "I am the best at that". Then to know that he makes many claims that can not be confirmed or have been found as completely false. I have refused to read the book due to the false statments made, over the years, by Dog. Why voluntarily spend hard earned dollars to buy something that will be an individuals own self promoting words. If that is what people my book. "I am the best at everything. No one is better than me. I over came adversity, which makes me better than most. Those that come in contact with me are all the better for it...." Oh, and "Straighten your life out. Get off drugs and become a stellar member of society like I am" See how crazy that sounds. Exspecially when your life is as public as the Chapmans lives are. You can't get away with telling that stuff long. Folks come out of the wood work to shoot down every story you have built up. And anything that has been done "less than moral" will be the first to surface.
_________________ ******************** Thomas SnoWolf FRN# 1999 GAPB 20120726 NSIS ST0707 "The hero is not the man that acts without fear, He is the man that acts inspite of fear"
Post subject: Posted: Sun 17 Feb 2008 11:08 |
Hes a joke.
Nuff Said.
I strongly suggest you take the advice of others and tell us about yourself, at least thru the sig lines......
Post subject: Posted: Mon 18 Feb 2008 01:36 |
in memoriam |
Joined: Tue 24 May 2005 14:46 Posts: 3334 Location: Colorado
FRN Agency ID #: 324
Experience: 5 - 7 years
Dog didn't handle Andrew Luster, A&E handled Andrew Luster. Dog didn't find Luster, someone else did, but refused to illegally proceed once the commercial bail was satisfied. A&E couldn't find a legitimate BEA for their show, so set the Chapmans up. Some people will sell their souls for fame and the almighty dollar. That is why there are almost no real "reality" shows aired. Real life doesn't sell.
LE isn't trained to kill, and that is not their job. They are trained to defend themselves and the ones they are charged with protecting and serving. If this means using lethal force, then so be it.
I also have the right to defend myself as a private citizen whether I am working or not. My goal is to go home at night. If someone has other ideas about that then my response will be equivalent to theirs. I carry a taser, but I also carry a .38 and a .32. Being prepared to do whatever it takes to go home is what it's all about.
_________________ Kathy Blackshear Blackshear Investigations Blackshear Bail Bonds Sales Associate, Prepaid Legal Services, Inc. Walsenburg, CO
Proud Member of the AB Reject Club
Post subject: Posted: Mon 18 Feb 2008 03:07 |
Joined: Mon 16 Apr 2007 21:57 Posts: 373 Location: New Jersey
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What a moron.... couldnt have said anymore of the wrong things.... Im just gonna shut-up because im gonna wind up gettin pissed off and sayin somethin ill get in trouble for.... So thats all im gonna say....
_________________ Ricardo "STEEL" Zambujo (Southern New Jersey Region) S.O.R.A. Certified NJ Security Guard
Former Military Honorable / Medical (Retired for Life) U.S. Army / Fort Knox / 1-81 Armor / 19-D Cavalry Armored Reconnaissance Scout
Former Firefighter (New Jersey) Former Bounty Hunter (New Jersey) Georgia State Certified Peace Officer #O210022 Certification #PBCO20130210022 Former Georgia State Dept of Corrections - Bootcamp Officer Former Georgia County Sheriffs Office
Post subject: Posted: Mon 18 Feb 2008 22:01 |
Joined: Mon 14 Feb 2005 10:59 Posts: 7563 Location: Arkansas
FRN Agency ID #: 340
Experience: More than 10 years
Steve I do beleive that Dog has his own fansite.
Fill out your sig line and let us know a little about yourself other than the fact that you are a dog fan.
Do not consider anything for your interest which makes you break your word, quit your modesty, or inclines you to any practice which will not bear the light, or look the world in the face .... Marcus Antonius I AM Some Folks "KARMA" and A MODERATOR @ FRN
Last edited by KARMA on Wed 20 Feb 2008 10:15, edited 1 time in total.
Post subject: Posted: Tue 19 Feb 2008 00:56 |
in memoriam |
Joined: Tue 24 May 2005 14:46 Posts: 3334 Location: Colorado
FRN Agency ID #: 324
Experience: 5 - 7 years
Despite several requests over the last few days, Steve8 has neglected to provide any info about him/her self. As always with these "questionable" members, they have no references or proof that they are legit, so no defense when they are questioned.
As always, this type of person is much better suited to a "fan" website rather than a professional forum where people share professional information and check others out before doing business with them. Let the "fans" have their day. We will be around long after they fall into oblivion.
_________________ Kathy Blackshear Blackshear Investigations Blackshear Bail Bonds Sales Associate, Prepaid Legal Services, Inc. Walsenburg, CO
Proud Member of the AB Reject Club