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 Post Posted: Sun 18 Nov 2007 18:13 
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Has anybody looked at their site?? Pretty interesting.

live for today,cause you don't know if there will be a tomorrow

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 Post Posted: Mon 19 Nov 2007 01:56 
in memoriam
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There a private contractor doing court room security. Thats done a lot here in rual area's. There power of arrest would come directly for the Judge or J.O.P. etc. And it would be ltd. to issue's before the court of the judge granting the power to arrest. The Ballif position has mostly to do with court room security, protection of the judge and witnesses and issues before the court. Anything other of this would be a outside the scope.

Mark C. Cavendish is a Certified Fugitive Recovery Agent, P.O.S.T. Certified by the State of Colorado and registered with the Arizona Department of Insurance. Member of the National Surety Investigators Network #MC806, The U.S. Professional Bail Bond Investigators Association, and a Life Member of The U.S. Coalition of Bail recovery Agents "Cobra" Control # 1058. Serveing Arizona, Colorado and New Mexico.
phone 520.850.7490 24/7/365

"Sub Rosa"

 Post subject:
 Post Posted: Mon 19 Nov 2007 06:07 
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Good points. I would think expanding on power granted you for very specific actions without the grantors knowledge might cost one that contract. Having that authority passed to others without the grantors knowledge just compounds it. Posting a picture of an apprehension on a fugitive recovery website intimates that it was a bail arrest, legit or not. In a subsequent post, he clarifies that it was not, but the impression was there, for me at least. I am not slamming anyone, just airing concerns that might educate all of us or at least motivate them to educate us with proper statute.

Like you, we have areas here where a Judge still rides a circuit!


R.E. "Scott" MacLean III

"Leaders are like Eagles, you never see them in a flock, but one at a time"

Chesapeake Group Investigations, Inc.
Chesapeake Bail Bonds
301-392-1100 (fax)
301-392-1900 (Office)

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