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 Post subject: Figured this was Steve, but it isn't
 Post Posted: Wed 07 Mar 2007 20:58 
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Driver takes red light camera fight to Austin

05:31 PM CST on Tuesday, February 20, 2007

By Chau Nguyen / 11 News

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Ever since red light cameras were installed in the Houston area, and Michael Kubosh has been a vocal critic. “It’s not fair. this is not the way our government supposed to work."

Also online

Newest red light cameras Map

Existing red light cameras Map #2
So unfair claims the Houston bail bondsman, he’s now decided to sue the City of Houston to put the brakes on them.

He calls the cameras a constitutional violation of a driver’s rights.

His lawyer is his brother, Paul Kubosh. “It has taken away people’s rights to contest government’s tax and what I’d like to of is this is taxation without representation.”

In fact, the latest figures show that since the first 10 cameras were set up in early September, more than 4,300 drivers have been caught running red lights.


The city’s already collected more than $50,000 in fines.

Paul Kubosh believes this is a scheme to make money.

Kubosh, a traffic lawyer himself, says the suit has not cost him clients.

“This has not impacted my business whatsoever. In fact, what it has done is increased my business because people are outraged at the red light camera scheme.”

The Kubosh brothers are heading to Austin to ask state law makers to support their lawsuit.

They plan to file Wednesday in a state court.

Houston is one of dozens of Texas cities that got the green light to install and utilize the cameras.

Now it appears a court will decide if they get to keep catching violators. Submit Your Pics: Snap a photo of a breaking news? Share it with others.

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Kathy Blackshear
Blackshear Investigations
Blackshear Bail Bonds
Sales Associate, Prepaid Legal Services, Inc.
Walsenburg, CO

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 Post subject:
 Post Posted: Wed 07 Mar 2007 21:48 
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I can't speak for other states, but Alabama states that a citation, of any type has to be signed by the sworn law enforcement officer who personally observed the violation.

This law negates any use of cameras for traffic enforcement.

Now some cities do have them deployed. But no one has challenged them yet. I am just waiting 'til I get one before contesting thier legality in open court.

River City Associates
Decatur, Al. 35601

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