Fugitive Recovery Network (FRN)

What would you stand for?
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Author:  B Williams [ Fri 31 Aug 2012 10:17 ]
Post subject:  What would you stand for?

First, It turns out that my mother will be moved from the nursing home in Asheville to another nursing home in New Bern NC the same weekend as the NABBI convention. This is an eight hour trip. I have made Tony aware of this situation because I more than likely won't make it to Philly due to this. I have been asking people to join NABBI at every chance I could and now, I won't be there unless the schedule to have mom moved is changed. I would apologize to all but I would have a hard time apologizing for taking care of my mother.

Having said that, most of you guys don't know me but I try and live with a purpose. There are certain things I believe in and no one on this earth can change them. One of the things I believe and practice daily is to stand up and not be afraid to give my opinions (or actions) when I truly feel the need to do so. Some call me stubborn, some have more colorful names for it and me but that's the way it is, period!

While there are people on this forum that have been in this profession much longer than me and can get the job done more quickly and efficiently than me I don't think there is anyone out there that cares about this profession more than me. Having said all that I can't for the life of me figure out why someone in this profession wouldn't join NABBI. If you truly care about this profession this is a no brainer. Actually, I can think of reasons why one wouldn't join NABBI but with the exception of a few, those reasons are lame!! If you aren't willing to stand for the very profession that helps feeds your family I'm not sure what a person would stand for!!

"If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; If you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; You may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.. There may be even a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory because it's better to perish than to live as slaves."

Winston Churchill

Join NABBI, make your reservations for the convention in Philly and help to ensure that those that come after us continue to have the opportunity to to be a part of this profession. As all of you know, there are a ton of groups out there, including everyday citizens that have no clue what we are really all about. Most see us as a bunch of uneducated thugs and think this profession should be taken over by others.

You know, the truth is, the real losers are the one's that don't join this association. NABBI will grow into an association second to none. people will be calling trying to join and there will be those that need the services of a NABBI member. I can see the day that folks will only work with NABBI members because they will know that a NABBI member is more likely to get the job done, without incident thereby lowering their liabilty among other benefits.

I hope you'll join but if not, iNABBI will continue to grow and you'll continue to find excuses to not join, until NABBI members have paved the way and it's easier for you. Hell, who wants to walk down a nice path made by others when you can be a part of in making that path?

Author:  tsuggs [ Fri 31 Aug 2012 10:57 ]
Post subject:  Re: What would you stand for?

Scott M, Bill M and Joe S are all very articulate and very knowlegable. Then sometimes Bill M and always Bill W, just have a way to cut to the heart of the matter they are speaking about.

This is one of those times.

I could probably try to make an analogy to what Bill W just stated, explaining how this week I went up against the established California bail power brokers in support of a bill, although not perfect, would bring some education requirements back for bail recovery agents.

I most likely would do a lousey job and ramble on and on.

All I can say is that I have spent more time on bail issues in California and to some degree nationally, than I have on promoting and growing my own business.

Most years lately, I run in the red financially because of the travel in and outside of CA. Because of the bails I don't write due to the fact that I am out of the office or miss a phone call.

( Yes I am lucky to have a better half, that can support us both, if need be. )

Even though with what all this costs me financially, I would do it again and again. I love this business.

And most of all I love all of you that I have had the honor of meeting and working with.

I have gained so much from you all that I would never have been able to in 50 years of trying to figure it out on my own.

NABBI, as Bill stated, will be the place to go for professional bail fugitive recovery help and information. We all have to a play a part in making it the ONLY bail recovery association in the country, PERIOD!

This will require some sacrifice on your part. Nothing worth fighting for comes easy or for free.

I am sorry if others that have their own groups and goals think I am putting them down. But, NABBI is the only one with clear, comprehensive ideals to improve and protect the bail recovery profession.

So, not only join NABBI, but be an active member. Attend the conferences. Be a part of the conferences by sharing your knowledge with others.

Change your business from an "industry" to a "profession."

Author:  OrangeCountyBounty [ Fri 31 Aug 2012 13:23 ]
Post subject:  Re: What would you stand for?

I certainly couldn't say what any of the above said, any better than they did. So, I offer this:

Bill, you have more than done your part. Handle what is truly important. We will miss you in Philly and look forward to seeing you here out west in the Spring.

That said...I am not going to try and force this association on anyone. Nor do I want a member that I had to strong arm to get. Smaller and better works for now. Quality over quantity and the rest will follow.

Author:  ken1 [ Sat 01 Sep 2012 08:54 ]
Post subject:  Re: What would you stand for?

Bill take care of Mom, I'm sure everyone will understand. My Mom spent a number of years in a nursing home, it's painful to have them there. Family is first, you never know how much longer they maybe here. If you need anything you know i'm a phone call away.

Author:  Mdbtyhtr [ Sat 01 Sep 2012 10:56 ]
Post subject:  Re: What would you stand for?

Family is always first priority.
Handle your business,


Author:  madamesec [ Sat 01 Sep 2012 21:34 ]
Post subject:  Re: What would you stand for?

Mom is more important than NABBI, she will appreciate you being there, moving to a new "home" is always scary, be there for her, you won't regret it! We will miss you in Philly, was looking forward to seeing you, but will wait until next years conference to see you! Best wishes to your mom! Take care!

Author:  KARMA [ Sat 01 Sep 2012 23:22 ]
Post subject:  Re: What would you stand for?

Yup ! Mom comes first . . . we only got one. Love to your Mom !

Author:  B Williams [ Sun 02 Sep 2012 12:11 ]
Post subject:  Re: What would you stand for?

Thanks guys, Debi you nailed it. Mom knows she really needs to go to the other facility but she's afraid..While I have 2 sisters and a brother we all need to be there to help in the transition to her "new home" She point blank told me she needed me there. So there is where I'll be.

Take care

Author:  findersinc757 [ Thu 06 Sep 2012 03:25 ]
Post subject:  Re: What would you stand for?


You take care of your mom and your presence will be with us in Philly...we all know how important you are to this business and association...good luck to your mom!

Author:  Agent11-117 [ Thu 06 Sep 2012 05:24 ]
Post subject:  Re: What would you stand for?

Take care of your mom! That's something you just gotta handle.
My own mother passed on real sudden and it really came as a shock to me.
Since then, I've thought how wonderful she was, and how little I appreciated her uniqueness when she was with us. Somehow or another, I always figured she'd be there. Heart attack took her, and the news came down hard on me at the time.

You only have one mom, and you never know how long you'll have. Do what you need, and NABBI will have another meet on another day.

I'll keep you in mind when I put in some knee time!


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