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 Post subject: Police Say Man Posed As Bounty Hunter, Made Arrests
 Post Posted: Sat 07 Jun 2008 05:51 
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Police Say Man Posed As Bounty Hunter, Made Arrests

POSTED: 4:57 pm EDT June 6, 2008
UPDATED: 6:33 pm EDT June 6, 2008

DEKALB COUNTY, Ga. -- DeKalb police say a man has been posing as a federal agent and defrauding Georgians.

Authorities said Mark Antonio Johnson, 41, ran an illegal bounty hunter operation and went to extremes to look like he was a federal agent, including using a bogus uniform and bogus badge. Police said Johnson did use a real gun.

“He’s a scam artist,” said DeKalb police spokesperson Mekka Parrish. “He was posing as a federal agent and he was basically just going around scamming people.”

Police said Johnson operated the ultimate illegal bounty hunter business called FRET -- or Fugitive Retrieval Enforcement Team. And he looked the part, authorities said.

VIDEO: Police: Man Posed As Bounty Hunter, Made Arrests

He had a uniform, a gun, a photo ID with an agent number, business cards listing himself as a unit commander and a badge with the FRET name on it.

The first problem with Johnson, police said, is that the business isn’t licensed. Police said the second problem is that Johnson is a convicted felon so he’s not allowed to have a weapon. Authorities said Johnson posed as a federal agent and may have made arrests.

“At this point, it is possible that he did arrest two people as a bounty hunter,” said Parrish.

Police said they became aware of Johnson after he obtained two real government license plates for his SUV. His vehicle had official-looking decals and a fake DOT number on the back. Officials said Johnson successfully posed as an officer at the tag office and convinced them.

“Even went so far as to put, 'Call 911 in case of an emergency.' So it certainly at one glance, you would think this would be a legitimate federal agent," said Parrish.

Johnson faces a list of charges including felonies for impersonating an officer and conspiring to defraud the state.

“There are some other people he would scam to get their ID and make up fake documents,” said Parrish.

Johnson could also face charges for writing bad checks to his employees who may not have known the business was illegal.

His first court appearance will be Saturday. He is being held at the DeKalb County Jail.

Yak .... H.B.I.C.
Riverside Enforcement
Hackensack NJ 07601
Ph. (201) 538 - 2947
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 Post subject: Re: Police Say Man Posed As Bounty Hunter, Made Arrests
 Post Posted: Sat 07 Jun 2008 07:01 
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I hate to hear these types of stories.... expecially in my neck of the woods. Dekalb is one place I wouldn't be playing games. They take thier jobs, very serious.

Thomas SnoWolf
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 Post subject: Re: Police Say Man Posed As Bounty Hunter, Made Arrests
 Post Posted: Sat 07 Jun 2008 10:44 
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If you had problems working at Dekalb before then they are going to get worse and if you didn't expect some now.
Good luck Scott or anybody else in that area.

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 Post subject: Re: Police Say Man Posed As Bounty Hunter, Made Arrests
 Post Posted: Sat 07 Jun 2008 19:10 
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i hate to hear that anyone would pose as someone they are not especially when it is near me and the areas i run around in

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Matt Wood

 Post subject: Re: Police Say Man Posed As Bounty Hunter, Made Arrests
 Post Posted: Sun 08 Jun 2008 06:44 
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Matt....we can expect our three hour Dekalb turn ins to have an extra hour or two, now, also.

Thomas SnoWolf
FRN# 1999
GAPB 20120726
"The hero is not the man that acts without fear,
He is the man that acts inspite of fear"

 Post subject: Re: Police Say Man Posed As Bounty Hunter, Made Arrests
 Post Posted: Sun 08 Jun 2008 21:51 
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Well, now that this illegal person is off the streets, maybe you can get some more business from the bondsmen that were using him. That is if they are still in business after hiring someone that they hadn't properly checked out. Good luck in everything!!

Kathy Blackshear
Blackshear Investigations
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