FL right to carry under attack • PUBLIC SECTION • Media Coverage • Fugitive Recovery Network (FRN) Forums
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 Post subject: FL right to carry under attack
 Post Posted: Tue 06 May 2008 16:33 
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Please forward this to anyone you my know in FL.Tell them to hammer their law makers and the Chamber of Commerce.Although I do not agree with everything the NRA does, this is why I am a life member!

DATE: April 29, 2008
TO: USF & NRA Member and Friends
FROM: Marion P. Hammer
USF Executive Director
NRA Past President

In the fight for your firearms freedom, the Florida Chamber of Commerce and the Florida Retail Federation were determined to kill Florida's HB503, the bill that protects your right to keep a firearm in your vehicle for personal protection. They even threatened the Legislature and the Governor with a lawsuit. The Legislature was not intimidated -- they passed the bill. Governor Charlie Crist (R) was not intimidated -- he signed it into law. They stood up for you. They stood up for law-abiding gun owners and your self-defense rights against the big business bullies that were trying to eliminate them.

Six days after Governor Crist signed the bill into law, the Florida Chamber of Commerce and the Florida Retail Federation rushed into federal court and filed a frivolous lawsuit to try to have the new law overturned. They had already bragged to the media that they would spend huge amounts of money to fight to negate your constitutional and statutory rights.

On April 16 the South Florida Sun-Sentinel reported: "The Florida Chamber of Commerce and the Florida Retail Federation are ready to pay a legal tab they expect to total at least $250,000 to counter what they term an assault on private property rights."

They are relying on Disney, Publix, Walmart and other anti-gun corporate giants to fund their assault on the Legislature, Governor Crist, and on our right-to-carry.

Scott Armstrong
Asset Recovery Specialist
Licensed Texas Private Investigator
Licensed Personal Protection Officer
Please send email or call rather then PM.

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