Fugitive Recovery Network (FRN)

Stuttgart Arkansas
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Author:  KARMA [ Wed 18 Apr 2007 17:50 ]
Post subject:  Stuttgart Arkansas

A bail bondsman was arrested yesterday for possessing crack cocaine and marijuana with intent to deliver within 1,000 feet of Park Avenue Elementary School.

According to the Stuttgart Police Department report, police apprehended Andre Burton, 34, a bail bondsman for Arvis Harper Bail Bonds in North Little Rock, and his girlfriend Jennifer Freeman, 28, at 6:47 a.m. yesterday.

Stuttgart Municipal Court Judge J.W. Green has denied him from writing any more bonds in his court, according to the c

Author:  Kathy [ Wed 18 Apr 2007 22:17 ]
Post subject: 

Too bad more counties all over the country don't get involved and file charges against these crooks. I have heard of a couple in my state that should be facing the same, but I guess because of their publicity and popularity get "overlooked." Guess being friends with and working with the Chapman's has advantages?

Author:  Steel [ Thu 19 Apr 2007 05:30 ]
Post subject: 

What a shame. The thing is why do they HAVE to put his proffesion? You know, if it was some other kind of proffesion they wouldnt have said anything (ex: mechanic, janitor, accountant, etc). But they had to spell out that they were one of us......

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