Pre-script: A person by law is always presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law… although many are convicted in the “court of public opinion”.
I may be mistaken; however, as I understand it, before the recent takeover of the bail bonds industry by DCJS in Virginia, you could operate a bonding company as a convicted felon. This industry on a national level has always had a shady side which is quite evident in the number of posts on this website relating to fraud and corruption within the business.
I work extremely hard, as do my children, who are all bondsmen… including two daughters, to make sure that I “dot all the i’s and cross all the t’s”. I can tell you from experience that there are still a bunch of crooks in this business and it makes me sick when I run into them, in my career as a bondsman.
Even now, as I write this.. I am attempting to recoup a buff account from a bonding company that I have not written for in over 3 years, have no outstanding powers, no forfeitures or show causes and after this amount of time have found out in the last 48 hours, that all the cases I wrote were never exonerated to the surety company by the agent that I wrote under at the time. He just never sent them up the ladder and now, I have to go back and exonerate directly to the company… every bond I wrote for the period I represented them. In addition, I have no recourse against anyone because the reports I sent were sent regular mail and I cannot prove that he received them, although I have copies of all but the “final disposition”… which is the one piece of evidence in an exoneration that you need to prove that the case is finalized… so now I start over!! My son in law, who worked under the same agent at the time, just found out that he has over 4 million in outstanding liability that has never been exonerated up the ladder… and he has to do the same thing!!
We are on our on now and thank God do not report to anyone but straight up to the surety we represent… no middle man.
Sorry, I got carried away there… anyway, you get my point.