Fugitive Recovery Network (FRN)

More BS
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Author:  Yak [ Fri 17 Oct 2014 08:12 ]
Post subject:  More BS

http://www.palmbeachpost.com/news/news/ ... ade/nhd5q/

Whether this Idiot is a BH or not, he's giving us another black eye. Why would you tell LEO that your allowed to carry because your a Bounty Hunter?? when its so easy to get a ccw in FLA anyway ??

Author:  Mdbtyhtr [ Fri 17 Oct 2014 13:34 ]
Post subject:  Re: More BS

...and two whole rounds of ammunition in a semi automatic weapon, times are hard indeed! The article never clarified if in fact he was either licensed to carry or a licensed Bail Bondsman, because there is no such thing as a Bounty Hunter in Florida, and Jeff will be by shortly to correct me if I am wrong! Identifying himself that way should have been the first red flag!


Author:  DSI [ Fri 17 Oct 2014 16:28 ]
Post subject:  Re: More BS

Most law enforcement officers do not have a real clue as to what bondsmen and bail enforcement agents can and cannot do. Lets’ look at the state in question the law clearly states that surety agents have statutory arrest powers related to the enforcement of bail bond matters.

I will bet that less one percent of Florida cops know this. Law enforcement officers work with what is in front of them at the moment, in this case a drunk with a gun. The officers are thinking safety first, get control of the gun and then ask questions.

This fool would have been arrested anyway for possessing a gun while intoxicated. His problems were only compounded by the fact that he was also in possession of a controlled substance. The bottom line here is, I sure the cops could care less if he was bounty hunter.

That most likely will be a rider charge filed by the States Attorney’s Office. The news media needs sensationalism so that retail advertisements continue. As Yak said stories like this destroying the industry …JMHO

Author:  NYPD BLUE [ Fri 17 Oct 2014 20:34 ]
Post subject:  Re: More BS


3RD Degree Felony working as a Bounty Hunter in Florida.

You MUST BE A LICENSED "LIMITED SURETY AGENT" by the FL DEPT OF FINANCIAL SERVICES in order to write Bail and do Pick Ups (Arrests) in FLORIDA.

This guy is veryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy lucky he wasnt charged with Bounty Hunting (3rd Deg Felony) , but ya never know the State Attorney may add that charge on later as stated.

Guy is moron / jerk / loser .. whatever else ya wanna call him...

Carrying a Loaded firearm .. you must possess a CCW in Florida.. our FL Concealed Carry Permit I believe is honored in 34 States. The FL Dept of Financial Services who regulates Bail in FL DOES NOT STATE you CAN or CAN NOT CARRY a Gun while operating as a Bail Bondsman and carrying a firearm falls under your CCW and pretty much Carry at your own Risk.. As a Bail Bondsman in FL .. YOU CAN NOT OPEN CARRY as many do anyways... (One day some Agent is going to meet the Officer that will lock him up for open carrying).

Author:  ncbondsman13 [ Sun 19 Oct 2014 08:51 ]
Post subject:  Re: More BS

I swear....when are we ever going to thin out the gene pool on these morons. I believe another esteemed colleague mentioned "Another Black Eye" it's no wonder that states and municipalities want to try and pass laws regarding our profession. I can really only speak of North Carolina since that is where I live and am licensed, but it is a highly regulated state. Heck, they just signed the bill into law that allowed any licensed bondsman to assist any other licensed bondsman, before then it was illegal.

I believe we should be allowed more rights and freedoms but that will never happen while we still these mental midgets running wild after they've watched and episode of "Dog The Bounty Hunter". Another pet peave of mine and I may or may not be in popular company but the disdain that I have for the term "Bounty Hunter"...I am a licensed Bail Bondsman who in the normal course of business sometimes has to pick up those who do not show for their court date. I feel that if you are a bondsman and you're constantly having to pickup folks then you are either writing too many bad bonds or you are doing a poor job at getting information from your subject. It is a business to make money but when you are expending more in gas and expenses to tracking people down then you are making that tells me you are not doing the job right...and sooner or later your sloppiness will draw the attention of DOI(If that's your governing agency) and nature will take it's course and Darwin will be happy once again.. :D

*To my colleagues here on this site..I apologize for the rant..I just get frustrated hearing these stories because it's not the ones you hear about it's all of the one's that you haven't heard about that worries me.** I welcome anyone's comments.

Author:  tsuggs [ Sun 19 Oct 2014 15:40 ]
Post subject:  Re: More BS

I just can't get over carrying 2 rounds. Unless it was .50 and the rounds cost $5 a piece. :lol:

Seriously, I don't think we will ever get rid of the idiots claiming to be bounty hunters getting arrested for stupid stuff. And the news media will never follow up to see if these idiots actually are licensed or qualified to be a "bounty hunters."

Author:  Yak [ Mon 20 Oct 2014 06:56 ]
Post subject:  Re: More BS

Tony, maybe he Drank the the first eight rounds, just a thought. .... :mrgreen:

Author:  speezack [ Tue 21 Oct 2014 07:19 ]
Post subject:  Re: More BS

No BH in Florida, correct...

... however, a "licensed bondsman", in another state, can enter Florida to apprehend his bond skip... at least, that is what I have gone with over the years... I have recovered several skips out of Florida over the years... myself of course, I did not send anyone to do it... just little ole me.... dressed as a Disneyland visitor...

I will admit to one misstep in this scenario... I can tell this now... and as most of you know by now... I don't mind telling stories on myself... so... just for you newbie folks... please pay attention...

... several years ago, when I was a fledgling, rookie, wet behind the ears... "know it all", bondsman... I had a $25,000 that ran to Orlando... I hired two guys who, along with me... went down to recover him... they were licensed in Virginia... and, not knowing the laws... figured I knew it all, we could pick him up... I would have been fine but not them!!!!!

We had him located in an apartment building but could not determine the apt. number... so... using our skills we... well, lets just say we sweet talked a local pizza delivery service who happened to have his name on their delivery list...

I put on a pizza hat... got an empty pizza box and knocked on the door... "Pizza delivery!"... he opened the door and said... "I didn't order a pizza.... oh sht!".... I stepped aside, because I am just a scardie-cat old man and one of my compadres (who was rather large and very scary looking) reached in and yanked him out of the apartment and threw him in the car and zzzzooommm....

Luckily we took him into custody and returned to Virginia... had we been stopped we would have all been in jail for kidnapping...



Author:  AWOBB [ Tue 21 Oct 2014 12:09 ]
Post subject:  Re: More BS

I have recovered several skips out of Florida over the years... myself of course, I did not send anyone to do it... just little ole me.... dressed as a Disneyland visitor...

What is that?

Author:  ncbondsman13 [ Wed 22 Oct 2014 11:20 ]
Post subject:  Re: More BS

Very well stated..Mr. Bill.. :D

speezack wrote:
No BH in Florida, correct... <<<<<<<<<<<< shortened up by speezack>>>>

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