Fugitive Recovery Network (FRN)

Bad Boys Bail Bonds Announces a Fund Raiser for their V.P.
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Author:  SURETYRISKMANAGEMENT [ Fri 17 Jan 2014 14:59 ]
Post subject:  Bad Boys Bail Bonds Announces a Fund Raiser for their V.P.

Bad Boys Bail Bonds Announces a Fund Raiser for their Vice President George Wallace Who Needs Stem Cell Treatment
http://www.prweb.com/releases/george-wa ... 459095.htm

Author:  OrangeCountyBounty [ Tue 21 Jan 2014 16:33 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bad Boys Bail Bonds Announces a Fund Raiser for their V.

BBBB practically prints their own money. If the VP is so beloved, why don't they foot the bill?

Author:  LuisMier [ Sun 26 Jan 2014 22:00 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bad Boys Bail Bonds Announces a Fund Raiser for their V.

This is indeed a great way to help your friends.
Good Job!

Author:  tsuggs [ Mon 27 Jan 2014 15:17 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bad Boys Bail Bonds Announces a Fund Raiser for their V.

First of all, I don't think I have ever met Mr. Wallace. Also, I would not wish anyone to go through any serious life threatening illness.

But I don't understand why Bad Boys is publicizing this situation.

As Tom stated, their company is one of the largest in California. They were not the first to start undercutting the bail bond premium standard but, they accelerated its growth.

Bad Boys write a very large share of all the bonds written in California.

One would think that the company would be in a pretty good position to cover his medical costs. Then again, maybe they are no longer as successful financially wise, as they used to be.

If I am a good judge of the majority of bail bond professionals in California as I think I am, I don't see too many of them offering to help. Most believe that Bad Boys, Aladdin, Bail Hotline and a few others are responsible for the cut throat way of doing business, California bail has become.

I wish him good luck.

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