Fugitive Recovery Network (FRN)

Should I Even Say Anything, More Bad Press
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Author:  tsuggs [ Wed 15 Feb 2012 22:38 ]
Post subject:  Should I Even Say Anything, More Bad Press

http://www.cliffviewpilot.com/bergen/33 ... bailed-out

Author:  KARMA [ Wed 15 Feb 2012 22:56 ]
Post subject:  Re: Should I Even Say Anything, More Bad Press

Sadly it has nothing to do with the guy being a Bondsman . . . GREED is what it has to do with . . . .

Author:  OrangeCountyBounty [ Thu 16 Feb 2012 00:54 ]
Post subject:  Re: Should I Even Say Anything, More Bad Press

Yeah but, in This case, the dumb son of a b@tch did use the business in his dirty deeds. Be alright by me if ya didn't post any of these for a spell....

Author:  DSI [ Thu 16 Feb 2012 06:56 ]
Post subject:  Re: Should I Even Say Anything, More Bad Press

What a Asshat, why and I not surprised there are damn fools in every profession. It is only acerbated when it is our profession.

Author:  Yak [ Thu 16 Feb 2012 08:08 ]
Post subject:  Re: Should I Even Say Anything, More Bad Press

OK, OK, ... BEFORE anyone jumps to conclusions, this is complete BS.
I know this kid personally, even used him back when to watch the back door holding Chopper. This boy is NOT a bondsman, he answers phones and does light office duties. He is legally retarded and was sucker punched by this low life CI as he saw David was vonerable & autistic. This kid NEVER handled the Horse, what he did was make a few phone calls for the connection, with the high hopes of making a few bucks. Don't think he ever had more than a hundred cash in his pocket in his whole life. This is ANOTHER media frenzy and FALSE feather in the caps of the Prosecuters Office who I have a meeting with later to help clear this nonsense up.

Author:  tsuggs [ Thu 16 Feb 2012 09:51 ]
Post subject:  Re: Should I Even Say Anything, More Bad Press


I hope you can clear this up and then get the MEDIA to print the true story.

The problem is they rarely do, so the damage is already done by the first story thats hits the streets.

Tom, true or not, we have to be aware what is out there about the business. Good or bad because we have to be prepared to answer questions about such events if we have facts regarding the case.

The pefect example is the Arizona "bounty hunting" killings. Some people in government still believe it was actual bounty hunters going after a skip instead of a home invasion drug robbery. I have corrected that false info as late as 2 months ago. Remember that happened back in 1997!

Author:  OrangeCountyBounty [ Thu 16 Feb 2012 10:44 ]
Post subject:  Re: Should I Even Say Anything, More Bad Press

I do remember and you're absolutely correct. It just gets old.

Author:  Eric [ Thu 16 Feb 2012 13:45 ]
Post subject:  Re: Should I Even Say Anything, More Bad Press

We will never be able to stop the press from writing these stories, no matter how hard you try. Once the story is out there for the public to see its bad publicity. This will be with any profession. You could contact the newspaper and set the story straight, but the chances of that being published are slim and none. And if they decieced to publish a retract on a story it does not carry the same weight as the original story; and its usually months later. Its all about the ratings for these people. Honestly they do not care if 50% is truth and the other 50 BS. Its all about the sales. It is a shame but that is the way it is unfortunately.

Author:  B Williams [ Fri 17 Feb 2012 01:17 ]
Post subject:  Re: Should I Even Say Anything, More Bad Press

We are much too fast to throw our own under the bus. Remember the Agent that was killed and another injured by a cop with a rifle in Florida. Might want to revisit that topic. Please wait until the facts are known before assuming the worse. You or me could be the next victim.

I hope we can begin making known the positive things we do in this business.
I do several things for my community and I'm sure many of you do also.

Thanks Yak!

Author:  tsuggs [ Fri 17 Feb 2012 11:30 ]
Post subject:  Re: Should I Even Say Anything, More Bad Press

Here is another bad story about bail.


The point I am trying to make is that these stories will be out there all over the country. Correct or not, the first time they hit the news, is what most people remember.

Whether it is about a bail agent, bail employee or a recovery agent, the vast majority will be negative.

We have to be aware of them and as in the first story above, Yak has the correct info about it, then we need to correct the media.

This will be part of NABBI's mission, to correct false information about bail and bail recovery. To change the stereotype images of bail and recovery. Finally to present true facts about bail and recovery.

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