Fugitive Recovery Network (FRN)

Critique for Education Purpose Only
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Author:  tsuggs [ Sat 14 Jan 2012 16:27 ]
Post subject:  Critique for Education Purpose Only

http://www.aol.com/video/shots-on-dog-t ... 517245357/

I was wondering if anyone, after viewing this clip has any positive critique for education purposes only. I am not showing this to slam the subjects shown.

I just see a few things that I would think could be a problem and I would have handled differently.

Author:  MarshallSvc [ Sat 14 Jan 2012 17:42 ]
Post subject:  Re: Critique for Education Purpose Only

I actually saw this episode (was very bored) and know the circumstances presented leading up to this point. However, for the sake of the critique, all I will reveal is the driver was working with the team to set up the fugitive to get caught.

First, I would not have fired pepper balls at the windshield as the only outcome of that is exposing your team to the pepper, not the fugitive.

Secondly, the fugitive could have returned fire believing he was being fired upon, putting your team in harms way, unnecessarily.

Last, I do not believe that the force used, shooting the fugitive with several pepper balls, was justified as you already had a full show of force, verbal commands were given, and had enough team members to extract him from the vehicle.

Just my professional opinion.

Author:  tsuggs [ Sat 14 Jan 2012 22:02 ]
Post subject:  Re: Critique for Education Purpose Only

I did not see the whole show, so I was not aware of what the situation was before hand such as how many occupants in the vehicle and whether the driver was involved.

I agree, I think there was an over use of the pepper ball guns. Also once the person was on the ground, in my opinion the leader of this group was putting everyone at risk by unnecessarily holding the pepper ball gun on him as the other were subduing him.

So glad they didn't have real firearms!

Wasn't sure why the driver was cuffed and on the ground. For agent safety or just to show how tough they are.

You know, clips from this show can be a great training tool.

Author:  MarshallSvc [ Sat 14 Jan 2012 22:23 ]
Post subject:  Re: Critique for Education Purpose Only

Her being cuffed was pre-arranged for effect, however they exposed her to the pepper as well, which should not have happened.

Mind you, I do not watch this show on a regular basis, but just happened to watch part of that episode.

Author:  speezack [ Sun 15 Jan 2012 13:30 ]
Post subject:  Re: Critique for Education Purpose Only

positive critique for education purposes only

... after viewing this clip... I can honestly say that I cannot find anything positive to comment on.... sorry.... :shock:

Author:  MarshallSvc [ Mon 16 Jan 2012 09:52 ]
Post subject:  Re: Critique for Education Purpose Only

Well, apparently the local Sheriff is none to happy with this incident either.


Author:  MikeAstringer [ Mon 16 Jan 2012 10:21 ]
Post subject:  Re: Critique for Education Purpose Only

I did/do watch the show as a "what not to do"! I do have to say though every once they are smart in their approach to finding a fugitive and it's a learning experience.

I was confused by Leland shooting pepper balls at the windshield. First, I don't understand what effect he thought it would have. Second, a little too aggresive for my taste and third if the person in the truck was carrying a firearm I would assume that he, not knowing that Leland was firing pepper balls, could have returned fire in self defense.

I'm the new guy here but wouldn't it have made more sense to get the license plate number, follow them and call the proper authorities?

Author:  Eric [ Mon 16 Jan 2012 12:45 ]
Post subject:  Re: Critique for Education Purpose Only

They are all lucky that the driver did not punch the gas and run them over. I know if someones shooting something at me I'm flooring it.

Author:  MarshallSvc [ Mon 16 Jan 2012 13:19 ]
Post subject:  Re: Critique for Education Purpose Only

The driver was the "set up" person working with the team to bring him in. She could have changed her mind, but she had more to lose by doing that.

Author:  tsuggs [ Mon 16 Jan 2012 15:12 ]
Post subject:  Re: Critique for Education Purpose Only

I saw the story about the contamination of the county jail lobby. I did not know that this clip was the same incident.

So, if the 2 are the same, then I can see why the defendant was so full of pepper gas.

Anyway folks, I posted this as I try to use stories I find on the net for educational purposes. To get people to think and use examples of how to and how not to, do things.

I am fully aware that there are things that happen before and even off camera that may effect why the situation played out the way it did.

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