Fugitive Recovery Network (FRN)

Dirty Dancing Cops?
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Author:  Phill Cross [ Wed 14 Sep 2011 09:44 ]
Post subject:  Dirty Dancing Cops?

http://www.policeone.com/media-relation ... fessional/

Author:  KARMA [ Wed 14 Sep 2011 09:49 ]
Post subject:  Re: Dirty Dancing Cops?

@@ . . . their 15 of Fame . . . sheesh !

Author:  DSI [ Wed 14 Sep 2011 10:30 ]
Post subject:  Re: Dirty Dancing Cops?

Police Officers are human just like anyone else, you want the police to be a part of the community that they work in. That means that they must build a trust with the people, those same people maybe the ones that can provide you information on a crime that has occurred in the community or be the ones that will help you when you are fighting with a bandit. And they will do that based on trust that they have in you and the police department as a whole.

With that said the video appears to be a Caribbean Street Festival which happens during the summer in just about every major city. Most people of color are apprehensive when it comes to interaction with the police and will only interact with police if they fall victim to crime. This is based on a long history tyranny by the police in certain areas of this country or from their native country. Let me get off the soapbox and say that I have not issue with actions of the officers.

Author:  KARMA [ Wed 14 Sep 2011 11:00 ]
Post subject:  Re: Dirty Dancing Cops?

Gene . . . I saw it in good fun til the one acted like he was climbing on and going for "that ride" and then add to that the one next to him acting as tho he were "humping" the reveler . . . that is the part that I was alluding to, I found that tasteless on the part of the cop.
The rest of it, the dancing, was just goofing with the crowd and having fun.
Of course this is my opinion ;)

Author:  NYPD BLUE [ Wed 14 Sep 2011 13:55 ]
Post subject:  Re: Dirty Dancing Cops?

Honestly .. this made me throw up in my mouth when I first saw this on an NYPD bulletin board.. it is Unprofessional.. Disrespectful to the Uniform and Portrays a bad image of the NYPD.. The job lately has lowered their standards in their hiring process as no one wants to be a NYC Cop with the poor low salary they offer and all the politics that come with this job... I can guarantee you that the dept will come down on these officers very hard.. When they were having their "fun" officers were involved in a shootout 2 blocks away.. these officers were NOT even listening to the radio for calls for help from other officers but acting like total azzes.

I worked the West Indian Day Parade only one time in 1987 and I have to say that this is a very dangerous event. Violence always erupts at this event.. and after the first time I worked it I always made sure I had my vacation scheduled during this weekend.

I see these officers in the video losing paid vacation time.. and possibly getting transferred to the end of the world (another borough) where they will need to pay a toll to get to and from work everyday (Tolls in NY are very expensive now a days..) as a punishment for their actions..

Here is an NYPD Website Board where you can read the responses from other cops.. you can still access the site even though you are not an approved member to post..
http://theerant.yuku.com/topic/44247/We ... e-behavior

Author:  B Williams [ Wed 14 Sep 2011 16:00 ]
Post subject:  Re: Dirty Dancing Cops?

I think the actions of these guys are unprofessional and I'm being kind. If I did the same things as these cops while I was conducting Bail bond business I could and probably would lose my license.

True story... A small night club frequented by mostly senior citizens. A cop who was doing security at the place decided one of the ladies was "engaging in dirty dancing" and escorted her to the door. She was banned by the town from coming back. This event made the newspapers as well as the courtroom. You see, the lady that was escorted out decided to sue. She did, she won, she is a quarter million dollars wealthier and enjoys dancing at the place she was once escorted out of. Haven't seen the cop since.

Author:  skippy [ Wed 14 Sep 2011 18:03 ]
Post subject:  Re: Dirty Dancing Cops?

Before I state my opinion I am from NYC and I am in hopes of one day becoming a LEO, I don't necessarily approve of a NYPD officer dancing like that, but I do understand a majority of the NYers I know don't like NYPD, keep in mind i know a lot of people in Staten Island then any other borough in NY, but this may just send a little bit of a different message to people in NY, it also can send the wrong message. I understand it's not professional by any means but at the same time officers can't always be uptight, to me they are not only sharing in the fun with community but they are also overseeing it as I watched some officers in the background still watching the crowd as the continued there festival. To some of these people that little action of dancing could have changed there mind about PO in general, and in one day down the road could help and officer instead of the use "I dont know anything" attitude that NYC has. I do have mixed feelings about some action, and I do think that some type of punishment should be in place, for the whole humping scene, but nothing crazy as the people from NYC should see that officers are just like us people. As far if I would ever do that NOPE!! I like to keep it professional and do what I was trained to do and what they expect from me. I'm kind of giving my POV looking from the outside in, and from the inside out. I have no training at all so if my ignorance offends you, my apologies.
This is only my opinion and I do hope one day not only to b a FRA but also a LEO!

Author:  B Williams [ Wed 14 Sep 2011 18:27 ]
Post subject:  Re: Dirty Dancing Cops?

Actually I respect your opinion but I respect the opinion of the NY police officers much more. I read the comments some made by the cops about this event and even they see this as wrong. While I agree that cops and the general public should get along and stop us against them or them against us there has to be a better way to get this done. Hell, even the cops that commented are ashamed of their fellow cops actions. Can you imagine the press we would get as BEA's , Bail Agents etc if we were act in this manner?

Good luck on your future plans.

Author:  skippy [ Wed 14 Sep 2011 19:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: Dirty Dancing Cops?

Thank you for wishing me luck on my future endeavors, I have read the police forum and they aren't happy with there action either, so a little while ago I went to my local store where some local cops, UC and civilians all hang out and ask everyone what they thought and they do agree that it was good for the community to see that. At the same time I know it leaves the cops and the tactical operation of controlling a large crowd at risk, to me its kind of a damned if you do and damned if you don't situation.
Now as far as your question, its kind of a hard one to answer cause BEA don't do crowd control for festival, or at least I didn't get that impression but I guess hypothetically if as a BEA or a LEO I wouldn't ever act like that, I'm very professional and have always conducted myself in that manner. I also agree with you Mr. Williams that this wasn't the best set example. I guess I can officially say I agree with both parties in their respective arguments.

Author:  KARMA [ Wed 14 Sep 2011 20:24 ]
Post subject:  Re: Dirty Dancing Cops?

Goofing and dancing is one thing . . . Rump Riding . . . is another

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