Fugitive Recovery Network (FRN)

Creating A More Postitive Public Image of BEA's
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Author:  Greyfox [ Mon 01 Aug 2011 14:39 ]
Post subject:  Creating A More Postitive Public Image of BEA's

Something that seems to be a common recurring theme on here is that BEA's tend to have a bad public image and that is causing problems and long term could cause all of us to loose our jobs potentially. So i wanted people to discuss what they could perhaps do in their local communities to create show that really are just Joe Shmoe living across the street from you who always watches out for the kids in the street or something like that, you get the idea. What do people really know about us other than what they see and hear on the news, so what are some practical fun ways we could change that.

My personal thought is that in Denver make a team out DEA's and make ourselves a Punkin Chunkin trebuchet for the annual punkin chuck that they have every year. I have done it before back in 07 and its a blast and would be a great way to show another side of ourselves to the public. And now if none of you have never attended a punkin chunkin event, you should. Nothing like watching a gourd disappear into the sunset........

And for any that are interested here is the listing for the Denver 2011 launch
https://www.auroragov.org/AuroraGov/Res ... /index.htm

So what are your guys thoughts/ideas?

Author:  Greyfox [ Mon 01 Aug 2011 14:44 ]
Post subject:  Re: Creating A More Postitive Public Image of BEA's

Oh and if anyone is interested, sadly the machine i made did not actually compete in 2007 due to my school deeming it too much of an insurance liability the day of the launch. I mean common it was only 40ft tall and the ballast when fully weighted would be around 2,000lbs that launch a 4 lb punkin but ahwell.

Author:  marc_spector [ Mon 01 Aug 2011 20:16 ]
Post subject:  Re: Creating A More Postitive Public Image of BEA's

Pardon my pessimism, but I have very set opinion on your idea. Those of us who dabble in the work and those of us who do the work full time, do NOT need a public image. Its called keeping a low profile, flying under the radar, keeping it low key, etc. Yes, there is a bit of a stigma relating to the profession. However, the best thing a Bail Recovery Agent can do to help "enhance the image" of the profession; is to stay low key and keep their name and their doings out of the newspaper, regardless whether good or bad. And to work out of the public eye when possible. It is is not always necessary to make a scene.

Author:  Greyfox [ Mon 01 Aug 2011 22:13 ]
Post subject:  Re: Creating A More Postitive Public Image of BEA's

Pessimism welcomed, i did ask for thoughts/ideas didn't i? And i would have to agree about when actually working keeping as low a profile as possible, but the thought behind this is that if something continually gets bad press with no good press at all to balance it out, eventually that WILL bite us all in the butt one day. But than again that is purely my take on things.

Author:  Mdbtyhtr [ Tue 02 Aug 2011 05:48 ]
Post subject:  Re: Creating A More Postitive Public Image of BEA's

I concur with the sub rosa approach. Why would we want anyone to know who we are?


Author:  DSI [ Tue 02 Aug 2011 06:28 ]
Post subject:  Re: Creating A More Postitive Public Image of BEA's

I believe in the low profile approach, get in and get out without a lot of fanfare, just do the job assigned. Always treat people with respect and respect will come onto you.

Author:  Greyfox [ Tue 02 Aug 2011 08:25 ]
Post subject:  Re: Creating A More Postitive Public Image of BEA's

You guys are missing the point, i am not referencing trying to get any publicity while we do the job. But instead do some type of community involvement. Now i know i may be completely off with this thought train and i accept it if i am. However like i have said before if all we get is bad press, it is my belief that one day it will cause allot of problems for us.

Author:  tsuggs [ Tue 02 Aug 2011 10:19 ]
Post subject:  Re: Creating A More Postitive Public Image of BEA's

There are two ways to approach the "bad press" problem.

1) Like I and others have been doing for years, is to respond with letters to the newspapers, tv and radio that explains how "true" professionals work as recovery and more importantly as bail agents.

If the image of bondsmen and bondswomen is improved and protrayed factually in the media, that will reflect on the recovery side as well. Then the BEAs need not have to be out in the "spotlight."

Every time I see an article or story about my favorite BH, I write in to that newspaper or tv station and expalin that, even though they call it "reality tv" he is far from the way real recovery agents work.

2) I and others have and need to continue to reach out, educate and inform, law enforcement, attorneys, politicians and the courts about bail. How it works, the rules and regs we work under and that we are part of the CJS and want to make sure it works.

Next week I will be "teaching" bail basics to the Fremont CA district attorneys office.

I sent an email explaining who and what I am to the Deputy DA and ask them if they would like to "learn" about bail. He called me back the very next day and said that all his assistant DAs wanted to attend the class.

By working with them and helpinig them in a professional manner, that will go a long way towards improving the relationship and image we have.

Now the image that the public has about bondsmen and recovery agents, will be a hard one to change. It is based entirely on movies, tv and books like Stephanie Plum. Some reality, but mostly fiction.

Drama and fiction sells, real "reality" is boring most of the time. My advice would be to join a service club, such as Kiwanis, Rotary, Elks, etc. Volunteer to help at a fund raiser for the local juvenile hall, homeles shelter, church, etc. Donate to local charities.

That will give you an opportunity to meet the general mpublic and I am sure they will ask what you do and you will have a chance to speak about your profession.

Madi had an suggestion of maybe organizing local agents to help with chaparoning domestic violence victims to court if they are afraid of being harmed by the perps. I think that is something the NABBI should discuss and look into.

That woud be a public service we can provide.

And EVERYONE, start calling it a profession, not an industry. If you want to be treated like a professional, then call yourself one.

I made that point at the PBUS a couple weeks ago in Florida. I reminded everyone that the name of the organization is the Professional Bail Agents of the United States, yet everyone from the president on down was talking about saving the bail bond "industry."

One last thing. The very first PBUS meeting I went to was in Las Vegas. There was a panel discussion about professional image. A older bail agent Tony Madrid from Albuquerque, who is now 74 or 76, was there. The only thing I remember from that meeting over 10 years ago was his quote,

"Every minute of everyday, you are on display." So act accordingly.

Author:  Jayc4929 [ Tue 02 Aug 2011 20:12 ]
Post subject:  Re: Creating A More Postitive Public Image of BEA's

well nuts Tony!! you make it hard to argue your point!!
VERY well put and the Quote you posted and remembered should absolutely be words to live by in this profession.

Author:  Greyfox [ Thu 04 Aug 2011 09:24 ]
Post subject:  Re: Creating A More Postitive Public Image of BEA's

Tony, thanks for your insight. I think you hit the nail on the head pretty much.

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