Fugitive Recovery Network (FRN)

It Must Be Spring!
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Author:  tsuggs [ Sat 22 May 2010 11:08 ]
Post subject:  It Must Be Spring!

The Weather is nice, mostly nice. People want out of jail. Then they don't want to go to court and they run.

That means, its bounty hunting time! :twisted:

Time for a little smack down.
http://www.phillyburbs.com/news/news_de ... ested.html

How about a little mace in your face?
http://www.laurinburgexchange.com/view/ ... eft_column

Author:  Hispanic Panic [ Sat 22 May 2010 17:46 ]
Post subject:  Re: It Must Be Spring!

Being new around here, all I can say is. I think things like this happen due to a lack of training. Plus if you’re doing anything that’s regulated without a license that’s just plain stupid. But I have heard of a little bit of this going on in my area. It’s an automatic free ride to jail that for sure. I think some people in this area get lucky because Law Enforcement (LE) don’t always know the laws pertaining to Bail Enforcement.

There a fine line in-between good guy and bad guy. You start putting your hands on people without proper training, or for the wrong reason. You’re asking to be caught on the wrong side of the line. I have a good solid ten years of training and work experience, I know for a fact I would never try to do BEA work without a license. I mean you better be making a good 1million before it worth sometime in jail and ruining your name.

Bottom line it’s just not worth it, you should in my opinion stay low key and off LE radar. These guys were pinging the hell out of LE radar, just asking to be arrested. But since I am not a BEA yet, this is just my opinion.

Author:  MSTFLocklear [ Sun 23 May 2010 06:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: It Must Be Spring!

Yeah we notify the Wv state police before we do anything, but other than that they don't even know we are around.

Author:  Mdbtyhtr [ Sun 23 May 2010 06:56 ]
Post subject:  Re: It Must Be Spring!

What individuals need to know in practicing this craft is this:

We are not above the law

We are not endeared to LE

We are not endeared to our clientèle and their families

We are target for all of the above and when an individual writes, or is written about, excessive LE contact in a negative way, they failed, period.

In reading the links so graciously provided by Mr. Suggs, a prominent Bondsman and leader in the Surety Industry in CA, is an example of above. The only possible defense for one of the charges is that the subject may have had a Warrant, but it was not in the system, and therefore could not be verified. Lesson: ALWAYS carry a true test copy of the Warrant for out of normal jurisdiction re-arrests, ALWAYS have the level of extradition increased to the area that the subject is located in and this won't happen. Of coarse one must be licensed accordingly and not breaking any additional laws, to include having open Warrants themselves!

If you have not been successful in having the extradition level of Warrants increased in order to apprehend an individual, it is time for retrospection. When offering to apprehend the subject at no expense to the Sheriff's Department, it ensures cooperation when you need it where the fugitive is located. If they refuse, it is cause for a Motion of Exoneration, complete with the investigation report indicating the location of the fugitive and that the State was given the opportunity to cooperate and refused. In effect, the State, by and through it's refusal to cooperate, has left you no choice but to break the law to uphold the law, and that you won't due. Include cites for the UCEA in both states and any applicable law in your jurisdiction. If done professionally, you might be surprised at what you can accomplish.


Author:  speezack [ Sun 23 May 2010 07:03 ]
Post subject:  Re: It Must Be Spring!

I have a good solid ten years of training and work experience

But since I am not a BEA yet

Hispanic Panic, I am confused since your name tag says no experience... what's with the first quote?

Also, Yak... do you know those guys in the NJ story... sounds like they get around. Seems like I have heard of Burton Bail bonds... just curious.

I think Scott spelled it out very clearly.

Author:  Hispanic Panic [ Sun 23 May 2010 11:24 ]
Post subject:  Re: It Must Be Spring!

Sorry not trying to confuse anyone, I am not a BEA, I was talking about my Security Forces experience in the Air Force as well as my contract Government Armed Security experience. Both have provide me with some training, this is what I was talking about. So once again I am sorry if I confused anyone on my status of being a BEA, I am not one. I was just trying to post my opinion.

Author:  tsuggs [ Sun 23 May 2010 16:10 ]
Post subject:  Re: It Must Be Spring!

No problem George, we can blame it on your California up bringing. 8)

Author:  Hispanic Panic [ Sun 23 May 2010 18:02 ]
Post subject:  Re: It Must Be Spring!

At least now I have a good excuse, wish I would have thought of it sooner. :lol:

Author:  speezack [ Mon 24 May 2010 07:49 ]
Post subject:  Re: It Must Be Spring!

HP... that excuse has worked for Tony for many, many years................... :shock: :shock:

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