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 Post subject: Re: Maybe More Bad Press
 Post Posted: Tue 17 Aug 2010 12:41 
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Well, since we are on the subject or off the subject, however it goes............. we never get off the subject.... one way to kill someone and leave no weapon is to stab them with a large ice cycle...................... when it melts..... it is gone as are any fingerprints, completely.... scary huh?

Bill Marx, Sr.

DCJS: 99-176979
Cell: 434-294-0222

"Endeavor to Persevere" "Lone Watie"

"Good judgment comes from experience, and a lot of that , comes from bad judgment" "Will Rogers"

 Post subject: Re: Maybe More Bad Press
 Post Posted: Tue 17 Aug 2010 18:33 
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So the next time someone approaches me carrying an icicle I should ride away as fast as I can on my "Ice Cycle".

Luke Farrell

AE Bail Bonds
Aequitas Services LLC.
"Your Bail Recovery Solution"
Pa: 610-624-1706
De: 302-476-2301
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 Post subject: Re: Maybe More Bad Press
 Post Posted: Tue 17 Aug 2010 21:50 
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I remember as a kid growing up in Milwaukee, hearing stories about people being killed by falling ice cicles from roof tops.

We some times got a January or Februray thaw that would start to melt the snow on the roof tops during the day. At night it would freeze again making ice cicles.

The next day they would start to melt again and occassionally fall. I remember walking to school looking up most of the way. Until one day I walked into a telephone pole!

 Post subject: Re: Maybe More Bad Press
 Post Posted: Thu 19 Aug 2010 04:57 
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I am extremely sorry to say that this man is from my AO.some of you may remember a post awhile back i wrote about Bad Boys Bonding,led by charles redmon.This man started that company in the same little building as his ex wifes bonding company,also he is a member of Bounty Hunting Down South.My team was battling this guy for some time due to him doing recoveries for 5%,now im not complaining about the whole 5% thing as much as much as i am about how he went about his recoveries.We were trying to inform the bondsman around here about their tactics but bondsman only seen the less money out of their pocket aspect.We have come right behind these guys after their so called recoveries and had to explain their mess due to them busting down doors that they had no right busting down.They would pick up warrants from the courthouse without the bonding agency that held the bonds knowledge and pick the skips up just so they could bond them back out through thier own bonding company.I know of a couple instances were they picked one up and the client had already worked out payment arrangements with the correct bondsman.That was when one of my regular bondsman realised what was happening.This man has been doing illegal searches and misrepresenting himself for awhile now and it took him trying to make his own show to prove what we were trying to say was the absolute truth.In a way it was a good thing for this camera crew to report mr. redmon,takes another moron off the street.Although it is yet another slap in the face to legitimate bail enforcement agents all around.This one strikes way to close to home for me and it was something that could have been prevented if only my crew and other agents in my AO were listened to.We were not just trying to get the cases as i am sure many bondsman here thought we were,We do not sling mud in our fellow agents(and in Redmons case i use the term loosely) direction for no reason.luckily i believe the video in question was one of his own skips so no other bonding agency was hurt by his actions,other than the business itself i should say.Here is a link to the mans company site.
my apoligies for the long winded post but this guy has been a thorn in the sides of my crew and other professionals in my AO for far to long and hopefuly this time he wont get away with the tactics he has been using and agents in my AO can get back to our jobs without the negative ripples he has caused.
Also to my fellow agents....Please refrain from trying to be another DOG the bounty hunter and making your own shows,our job is to stay out of the public eye as much as possible.This job is not to further your career in acting and most certainly is not to make you matter how good you are at your job It is not a television show and may hurt our business more than help.Thank you and have a good day.....This message was brought to you today by the letter J,lol

Jay Crawford
Eagle Eye Fugitive Recovery
"based out of Bethpage Tn."

 Post subject: Re: Maybe More Bad Press
 Post Posted: Thu 19 Aug 2010 10:20 
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Couple of items I want to comment on here...

1. How was he arresting the skips without a 'bailpiece" or "surety capias" form the bondsman... unless I am mistaken and Tenn. has different laws... a bounty hunter... BEA cannot just 'obtain' a copy of an LE warrant and execute it themselves and with proper paperwork, how did they do this without going to jail themselves... who was providing them with the warrants???
They would pick up warrants from the courthouse without the bonding agency that held the bonds knowledge and pick the skips up just so they could bond them back out through thier own bonding company.

2. You will always have bondsmen and BEA people that will undercut your fees. Unfortunately this goes on all the time and probably cannot be fixed... this is discussed in many other posts on FRN...
doing recoveries for 5%

3. If these actions are documented, how is he still on the street. In Virginia, illegal arrest is a felony by the perp. and the next charge would be kidnapping... how is he still operating??
This man has been doing illegal searches and misrepresenting himself for awhile now

4. Much of the "hoopla" of the bounty hunting thing is directly tied to "Dog" and the TV thing... So many wannabees and cowboys think of themselves as wild west bounty hunters and that will prevail unfortunately for the foreseeable future... as long as these types can go to a movie and picture themselves in the role... they will continue to surface on a daily basis.... I don't know how old you are but back in the 50's when I and my buddies would go to a Saturday matinee western with Lash LaRue and Gene Autry... or Roy Rodgers... Cisco Kid or whoever... we would spend the rest of the day with our cap guns... playing the role... IT IS EXACTLY THE SAME THING ONLY NOW DAYS IT IS UPGRADED TO REAL GUNS AND REAL IDIOTS... this is absolutely the same... Image Image Image
Please refrain from trying to be another DOG the bounty hunter and making your own shows

"HHEEEYYYYY PONCHO!!"... HEY, CICSO...!! I figure only a few of you old farts will remember that.............. but I do................ 8) :mrgreen:

Bill Marx, Sr.

DCJS: 99-176979
Cell: 434-294-0222

"Endeavor to Persevere" "Lone Watie"

"Good judgment comes from experience, and a lot of that , comes from bad judgment" "Will Rogers"

 Post subject: Re: Maybe More Bad Press
 Post Posted: Thu 19 Aug 2010 16:03 
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speezack wrote:
Couple of items I want to comment on here...

1. How was he arresting the skips without a 'bailpiece" or "surety capias" form the bondsman... unless I am mistaken and Tenn. has different laws... a bounty hunter... BEA cannot just 'obtain' a copy of an LE warrant and execute it themselves and with proper paperwork, how did they do this without going to jail themselves... who was providing them with the warrants???

He would go to the courthouse to the court clerks office and pick up the warrant,being that he was a Bea they knew he was in thier alot and didnt really question him.Just certified his warrant and off he went.In at least one courthouse here all you do is walk into clerks office,directly to a designated file cabinet and look through the active warrants.Suposed to be only looking for your particular case but as i have seen it hasnt worked that way with this guy.Of course the bonding agent isnt going to complain about him doing it as long as his skip is back were he belongs unless of course he wanted to bond the skip back out [quote]
The undercutting was not really my issue with this man.Not saying that it didnt bother me,only it wasnt the main issue.My issue was with the tactics he used and getting away with the things he was doing.Along with nobody paying attention to the liability he really was.I completely understand the business idea he was trying to utilize.
The man was still operating(im assuming)mainly because technically it wasnt a Illegal arrest if he had the warrant certified from the clerks office.I didnt understand it myself awhile back either that is why i posted what i did back then on the subject.Still dont understand it completely though.
I am still a semi young buck Bill but i do know of those shows and how famous they were.You are correct for the most part on them being the same thing we are experiencing nowadays.Only difference is is that its good to have an imagination when you are kids but to reinact it now as an adult is just not a good idea for the majority of these wanna be "bounty Hunters"

Jay Crawford
Eagle Eye Fugitive Recovery
"based out of Bethpage Tn."

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