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 Post subject: Stupid Is What Stupid Does
 Post Posted: Thu 17 Jun 2010 16:58 
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Bounty hunter finds meth lab while looking for fugitive

by: MATT BARNARD World Staff Writer
Thursday, June 17, 2010
6/17/2010 5:15:15 PM

A bounty hunter discovered a methamphetamine operation while looking for a fugitive Thursday morning when an accused meth cook led him to an active lab, according to police.

The find resulted in two arrests, including a man whose 15-year-old son was inside the house as the meth was reportedly being produced. The boy was taken into protective custody, Officer Steve Dickson said.

Adam Lee, a fugitive recovery agent from Oklahoma Bounty, was searching for a woman at a house in the 2700 block of East Admiral Court. She wasn’t there, but two of her acquaintances allowed Lee inside, he said.

During a room-by-room search of the white one-story house, Lee discovered meth-making equipment and called police about 6 a.m. Officers arrived and arrested Leslie Dewayne Jones, 50, and Kelly Denise Jones, 46.

“Most of them would be more hesitant about it, but they just invited me inside like it was nothing,” he said. “They were actually really cooperative - it really shocked me.”

Leslie Jones’ son was at the house as the arrest took place. He wasn’t involved with the lab and will be drug tested to determine if he was exposed to any chemicals, Dickson said.

Lee said Leslie Jones was cooperative and reportedly showed him to a detached garage where a “shake and bake” meth operation was under way.

“He just started pulling everything out,” Lee said.

Officers arrested both Leslie Jones and Kelly Jones on complaints of manufacturing meth and possession of a firearm after the previous commission of a felony. Their bail has not been set, jail records indicate.

Police said the lab was relatively sizeable and estimated the street value of the drugs at roughly $10,000.

 Post subject: Re: Stupid Is What Stupid Does
 Post Posted: Thu 17 Jun 2010 17:32 
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:shock: :roll: Ya just can't fix stupid!


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 Post subject: Re: Stupid Is What Stupid Does
 Post Posted: Thu 17 Jun 2010 22:55 
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You gotta' love it! A partner of mine has a day job as a loss prevention agent and is always arresting people who either have things on them They shouldn't or have priors which turn the misdemeanor to a felony. Its entertaining! LOL.

Tom Duprey
Founding member, NABBI (Nat'l Assoc. of Bail Bond Inv.)
Ca. Bail Agent Lic#1845795
Owner/Operator, Thomas Duprey Bail Bonds
Owner/Operator, Orange County Bounty
(714) 727-4689

 Post subject: Re: Stupid Is What Stupid Does
 Post Posted: Sat 19 Jun 2010 11:26 
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oh, 'meth lab'.... mmmmmm I thought he said 'math lab'.... I thought that was where you learned arithmetic... mmmmmm... must be a big city thing...

Many years ago... I had a guy here in the country ask me to take my 4 wheel drive pickup into a wooded area and pull out his stuck car... when I got there his car was sitting in the middle of a pot field.... right... pot field.... which were all about 6 to 8' tall!!! He told me after I pulled his car out of the mud that he would give me a big shopping bag full of pot... I declined (this was before I was in this business)... several days later, a helicopter flew over his field, spotted the crop and busted the fella... it was one of the largest crops in this part of Virginia... I have no idea who blew the whistle on him??... he passed away several years later but I understand he never had a problem with Glaucoma.... 8) 8) He wasn't a bad fella... just liked to smoke a little dope every once in awhile....... that field was almost an acre in size, I have no idea what that much pot would be worth.

Bill Marx, Sr.

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 Post subject: Re: Stupid Is What Stupid Does
 Post Posted: Mon 21 Jun 2010 07:18 
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Come more they could not have been that stupid, there must be something else to this story....

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 Post subject: Re: Stupid Is What Stupid Does
 Post Posted: Mon 21 Jun 2010 10:21 
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Well......If you are going to act dumb, you better be tough. Are these people hatched or something? Jeez.

Thomas SnoWolf
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He is the man that acts inspite of fear"

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