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 Post subject: Re: Case Law - Convicted of Criminal Trespass and Assault
 Post Posted: Wed 30 Sep 2009 06:03 
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if a defendant asks me to contact a family member, friend, or employer to post their bond and they refuse, I seriously question the reason.

FREE ADVICE: (worth every penny)
Let me talk to "momma", if momma says no, I don't do the bond, momma knows best. Momma is also the best BEA I have ever had.... if little Johny runs for cover.... momma most often knows where.
Boyfriend, girlfriend absolutely is not a workable deal.... I have written them as we all have, but it very often goes south.

Bill Marx, Sr.

DCJS: 99-176979
Cell: 434-294-0222

"Endeavor to Persevere" "Lone Watie"

"Good judgment comes from experience, and a lot of that , comes from bad judgment" "Will Rogers"

 Post subject: Re: Case Law - Convicted of Criminal Trespass and Assault
 Post Posted: Wed 30 Sep 2009 06:58 
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Kathy and Bill are dead on...we would never presume to know a defendant better than Momma!

To my understanding, it is only Pre Trial Release Services that are smarter than Momma, because they will release a defendant when Momma doesn't want him out...


R.E. "Scott" MacLean III

"Leaders are like Eagles, you never see them in a flock, but one at a time"

Chesapeake Group Investigations, Inc.
Chesapeake Bail Bonds
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 Post subject: Re: Case Law - Convicted of Criminal Trespass and Assault
 Post Posted: Wed 30 Sep 2009 07:59 
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Mdbtyhtr wrote:
Kathy and Bill are dead on...we would never presume to know a defendant better than Momma!

To my understanding, it is only Pre Trial Release Services that are smarter than Momma, because they will release a defendant when Momma doesn't want him out...


YEP! that is the one thing that you can count on Momma alwasy knows. If not at the moment . . . she will find you ;-)


Do not consider anything for your interest which makes you break your word, quit your modesty, or inclines you to any practice which will not bear the light, or look the world in the face .... Marcus Antonius


 Post subject: Re: Case Law - Convicted of Criminal Trespass and Assault
 Post Posted: Tue 20 Apr 2010 14:53 
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WELL I was right! Today was C E day and this is a 2004 case and was ONE of the cases brought up today and beat up today.
and I almost forgot . . . Our Buds! The Bounty Boys :lol: The instructor showed a vid and asked the Agents to critique it . . . it got a bit rough for the BOYS :lol:


Do not consider anything for your interest which makes you break your word, quit your modesty, or inclines you to any practice which will not bear the light, or look the world in the face .... Marcus Antonius


 Post subject: Re: Case Law - Convicted of Criminal Trespass and Assault
 Post Posted: Wed 21 Apr 2010 15:24 
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I have commented before on the 3rd party residence issue.
Maybe reading and researching this case will educate the newer or even the less informed FRA's out there.3rd party residences are out of the question here as well and i personally will not search one without the expressed consent of that home owner.I will also not use threats or vulgar language to attempt to get access to the 3rd party residence.Politeness will get you a long way as i have discovered.
However it is a different situation if i physicaly see my fugitive enter that residence.I cant tell how many hours i have racked up just sitting outside 3rd party residences waiting on a fugitive to poke thier head out.Even after i see that fugitive i still give the benefit of doubt that they will come out peacefully and when they dont i go about the proper channels.Meaning,I will knock on the door(not kick it in)and let the resident know that i witnessed the fugitive enter and they need to send him/her out.If that does not work I call local LE (people seem to react better when they knock on the door!!)to get assistance.Now i have had some LEO's tell me"wow most times bounty hunters just kick in the door,we are not used to coming out" As i said im not the type to just kick in a door just because i can,coverin my south end that way!! Anyway,all im saying is do your homework on the case and put the time into it.sometimes just sitting on a suspected house turns out to be more beneficial to you rather than trying to bust into a 3rd parties place.On top of the legal problems,what if he/she really wasnt there and that resident warns your fugitive of his/her impending arrest? youre back to square one again because that fugitive is not going to sit and wait to be caught at the residence he/she is currently at.

Jay Crawford
Eagle Eye Fugitive Recovery
"based out of Bethpage Tn."

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