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 Post subject: Re: Interesting .....
 Post Posted: Fri 14 Aug 2009 06:53 
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I am wondering if he used his influence to obtain the file from the insurance company to accomplish his goal. He may have obtained it legitimately or by ruse. Clearly, things went down hill to the point that the liability alarm went off somewhere and the backers ran to take cover. I have had an investigator working for me that took a case too personally. When told to back off, she didn't. I had the opportunity to tech out on the case, but she continued to investigate and ended up getting arrested and convicted. She is a very nice woman, very well trained with a significant history of credentials with government agencies, but she lost control, it happens.
Could be the same thing here. We all have gotten frustrated when we know what is going on and it is beyond our grasp. The people that should take heed, or at the very least, listen, won't and you have to back off or push the issue.


R.E. "Scott" MacLean III

"Leaders are like Eagles, you never see them in a flock, but one at a time"

Chesapeake Group Investigations, Inc.
Chesapeake Bail Bonds
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 Post subject: Re: Interesting .....
 Post Posted: Fri 14 Aug 2009 15:38 
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That was very well said Scott, :)

Domestic Security Investigations
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Tel: 1-800-387-0787

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