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 Post subject: Re: Hot On the trail of bail jumpers
 Post Posted: Sun 19 Jul 2009 21:58 
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Derek had related that story to me, and I absolutely assured him that we would not allow a repeat of that set of circumstances again.

This dirt bag was getting adjudicated even if I had to drive him to Colorado with Derek.

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J.G. Marshall
Lic. # 2008-392


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and the Irish in my heart that keeps me strong.

 Post subject: Re: Hot On the trail of bail jumpers
 Post Posted: Thu 23 Jul 2009 23:50 
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Well thanks to J. Marshall and his partner and I Cory will not see the light of day anytime soon. As for the 1st time I cuffed this piece of work, I still can't live this down by certaint local bonds men and recovery agents....

I guess all that I can hope for is that if Cory ever shows his face in a place I'm working, I really do hope he has active warrents I can act upon and hook his sorry ass for a 3rd time....

Surety Enforcement Bureau
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 Post subject: Re: Hot On the trail of bail jumpers
 Post Posted: Fri 24 Jul 2009 00:57 
in memoriam
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I feel that it was ironic that an agent that I assisted to get the info to make a previous apprehension, made a second apprehension on the same person, based on a referral that I made, not knowing who the second apprehension was on. As I tell every agent that I deal with unless it is a job that I can personally do, I only make a referral between the bondsman and the BEA, so any further arrangements for the apprehension or pay is between them.

That is not to say that I don't appreciate and/or accept feedback. The bondsman paid the local agent, but has witheld pay on the primary agent until the bonds are cleared. I explained the timing to the primary WA agent, so am waiting to see if the bonds man follows through in a reasonable time-frame. I know how things work in my state, so the bond exonerations should be recieved soon after the bondsman files the motions. One or both of us will make a post when payment is received, or if it is not made for whatever reason.

Kathy Blackshear
Blackshear Investigations
Blackshear Bail Bonds
Sales Associate, Prepaid Legal Services, Inc.
Walsenburg, CO

Proud Member of the AB Reject Club

 Post subject: Re: Hot On the trail of bail jumpers
 Post Posted: Fri 24 Jul 2009 01:39 
in memoriam
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Joined: Tue 24 May 2005 14:46
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FRN Agency ID #: 324
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Derek, this idiot is a third stiker, and between your knowledge, along with what LE has been presented with, Cory should be sentenced as such, and be sent away for a long, long time. It really doesn't matter what state he is finally arrested or convicted in, his record should come back to haunt him as felony convictions are supposed to follow a person no matter where they are convicted.

In this case, it is up to the bondsman (Jay) or his attorney, to file the motions for exoneration on his bonds. From personal experience, it only takes a week or so for the court to respond. If you don't recieve payment or satisfaction that the bondsman has been exonerated, I can provide you with the pertinant statutes for both. I personally refuse to deal with others that don't follow through with their agreements, whether written or verbal. I only deal with those that I trust, and if that trust is broken, I am very skeptical about my dealings with the person, or referring them to others.

That is how I am, and that is how I work. I really don't care if you like me or not based on my personal ethics and beliefs. I have earned my reputation, and like me or not, I am brutally honest, and that is my reputation. That is why I get the good bonds, and reject or don't get called on the bad ones. We all have choices, and it is up to each of us to excerise them.

Kathy Blackshear
Blackshear Investigations
Blackshear Bail Bonds
Sales Associate, Prepaid Legal Services, Inc.
Walsenburg, CO

Proud Member of the AB Reject Club

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