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 Post subject: "NIGHT VISION STUFF"
 Post Posted: Tue 02 Sep 2008 18:19 
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I haven't seen much on here about this topic... so........

Today, after a bunch of checkin' and readin' I decided to buy a set of 'nite vision' binoculars.... Now, having been in the military some time ago... I am fairly familiar with some of the military grade stuff that is out there .... well, I ain't in the mood to spend 2to $10,000 on a pair of Milt. grade level 3, IR and thermal imaging binocs......... but for around $400 I got a pair that does a pretty damn good job... and sometimes in this business it is real important to be able to see what is happening in low or no light.... I tried a monocular but with a stigmatized right eye... well, two is better although it screws up your nite vision a bit.......... I'm not gonna say the name of the company... I'm gonna see if anyone of you professionals has advice... and then I will cough up the info.... good or bad....

I will say, I just came in off the back deck (I use deck instead of porch so you will think I am sophisticated... 8) ) and I can see my cows in the tree line 300 meters.......... that's all I need.... oh... and my neighbor is..... well,,,,,,,,, out in the yard and..... and.... mmmmmmmmmm back to the cows.......... :shock: :shock:

So, what do you guys/gals use for this application??? keep it under $600.... of course I figure Kathy, Ruffin and LuVonda and maybe Steve and Dave.... got the high end stuff......... but the rest of you small town homies that aren't ridin' around in Hummers or Beamers....... what do you recommend????????? :mrgreen:

Bill Marx, Sr.

DCJS: 99-176979
Cell: 434-294-0222

"Endeavor to Persevere" "Lone Watie"

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 Post subject: Re: "NITE VISION STUFF"
 Post Posted: Tue 02 Sep 2008 19:59 
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As a few of you know i purchased a surveillance van a few years ago that is equipped with night vision out to 500 yards, this is my primary surveillance rig. I also have two pair of Yukon Rangers 5x42 digital night vision binoculars that we use that were around $400 a piece and they work real well up to 300 yards.

The Rose Investigations LLC
Collection Agency
Security & Investigations Consultant
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NAM VET 1969- 1975 US Army (RECON)
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 Post subject: Re: "NITE VISION STUFF"
 Post Posted: Tue 02 Sep 2008 20:24 
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$$ Outta my reach......for now anyway.
I just sqint really hard trhough my binocs. :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol:

If the world didn't suck we would all fall off. (Luvonda)
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 Post subject: Re: "NIGHT VISION STUFF"
 Post Posted: Tue 02 Sep 2008 23:05 
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1) I don't have a hummer or beamer or any other high end vehicles as many on here can testify to...I'm driving a 1992 Mercury Gr. Marquis that is into the 300's in mileage. I just had the transmission completely rebuilt, the engine overhauled, brakes, yadda, yadda, yadda.....

2) I don't have night vision equipment. Most of the time I have plenty of ambient light to work in.

3) I'm so broke I can't afford to pay attention. Dr. Just cleared me in the middle of August to return to work full time field operations. Prior to that I had just been primarily doing basic paralegal and/or clerical work.

4) Now I have to enter the negotiation phase of my settlement from my car wreck...that'll take another 6 mos... :(

River City Associates
Decatur, Al. 35601

 Post subject: Re: "NIGHT VISION STUFF"
 Post Posted: Tue 02 Sep 2008 23:48 
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Probably longer, but hopefully not or your sake.
I'm going on 3 years now. :roll: :roll:

If the world didn't suck we would all fall off. (Luvonda)
Nobody has power over you that you do not allow them to have. (Scott)
Be careful of the seeds you plant because one day they will be harvested.

Private Investigator
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 Post subject: Re: "NIGHT VISION STUFF"
 Post Posted: Wed 03 Sep 2008 00:31 
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I'm a broke cheapskate, so unfortunately don't have any night-vision stuff yet. I did see several items that I am interested in on one site (the police auction one that I need to search for since I stupidly didn't save, but is on here somewhere) so I can buy more toys to play with.

Kathy Blackshear
Blackshear Investigations
Blackshear Bail Bonds
Sales Associate, Prepaid Legal Services, Inc.
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 Post subject: Re: "NIGHT VISION STUFF"
 Post Posted: Wed 03 Sep 2008 06:20 
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RWB said "I'm driving a 1992 Mercury Gr. Marquis"....

....but when you have $100,000 in the super spy gadgets and another $250,000 in the twin turbo, alcohol burning, Jet Propulsion system... :lol:

Thomas SnoWolf
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 Post subject: Re: "NIGHT VISION STUFF"
 Post Posted: Wed 03 Sep 2008 09:03 
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I can assure every one that the high end equipment we have acquired over the years was not paid out of the bail bonds or recovery business monies. We got some good contracts for W/C work.

Beamers, I am still on my Roy Rodgers stick horse and my Green Hornet pedal car.

The Rose Investigations LLC
Collection Agency
Security & Investigations Consultant
Retired Private Investigator & Bail Enforcement
NAM VET 1969- 1975 US Army (RECON)
Office 260-220-3877
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 Post subject: Re: "NIGHT VISION STUFF"
 Post Posted: Wed 03 Sep 2008 11:28 
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"Green hornet pedal car"....lol..most folks on here can't relate to that....I still miss my "Hot Wheels Big Wheel".

River City Associates
Decatur, Al. 35601

 Post subject: Re: "NIGHT VISION STUFF"
 Post Posted: Wed 03 Sep 2008 12:18 
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Don't you know it. :) :) :) :)

The Rose Investigations LLC
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NAM VET 1969- 1975 US Army (RECON)
Office 260-220-3877
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