Fugitive Recovery Network (FRN)

BEA's Transitioning to LEO's
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Author:  SpanielPI [ Sun 20 Aug 2006 16:51 ]
Post subject:  BEA's Transitioning to LEO's

I was reviewing some of the articles here and I realized that several of our members either have or are in the process of becoming LEO's or returning to LEO positions.

Chuck Jordan is now a constable.

Andy Dickey is now a Leo.

Richard Cox is in transition to Leo.

Bob Donnellan is considering a leo position.

I myself was recently approached about returning to a Leo position. I'm still considering it.

I guess it is the natural order of things. It reminds of an old saying: "The only constant in life is change itself".

Author:  -X- [ Sun 20 Aug 2006 17:18 ]
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I have switched form full time recoveries to full time St. Louis City Park Police Officer. Recovery business all of a sudden slowed down. Have to pay those bills.

Author:  tristateintell [ Mon 21 Aug 2006 05:29 ]
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Bail Recovery is great, but I feel I can give back a little more to the community being in law enforcement. There is enough time for bail enforcement after retirement lol.
Just remember my company is still here just run by TJ Robertson you will still get the same professolisam as you did when I was there full time.

Author:  brak326 [ Mon 21 Aug 2006 09:31 ]
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I myself is joining the sheriffs department in nj.

Author:  SpanielPI [ Mon 21 Aug 2006 09:35 ]
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Congratulations ! Stay safe...;)

Author:  Green Beret [ Thu 31 Aug 2006 10:10 ]
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Im thinking of being a sheriff also, Leo in my city do nothing but harrass people for doing everyday things, Hoping to get you with anythig possible that will lead to a ticket or better yet, In jail.
Leo's seem like there not interested in stoping real crimminals anymore.

Just watch cops on TV, I seen them stop a guy for bunny hopping a curb, A full grown man, Stopped for hopping a curb, Yea way to get the criminals off the streets :roll:

Author:  HGUNNER [ Thu 31 Aug 2006 12:32 ]
Post subject:  cops

grn you should not believe everything you see on cops they condense hours of film into 1/2 hour many of the senerios have a lot more to them--if you believe leo in your city are performing their duties correctly do something about it--go to the cheif go to the newspapers go to the mayor--do not just sit around - civilian apothy cause a crime to flourish

Author:  tsuggs [ Thu 31 Aug 2006 15:16 ]
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I was never a LEO. I did not serve in the military either. I have family members, close friends and have business relationships with LE.

I have been stopped for DWB. I have paid a bribe to a couple of Chicago PD when stopped on a Interstate for speeding in a 1974 Vega station wagon that couldn't do more than 60, yet I was "clocked" at 70! The bribe was their idea.

I believe the vast majority of LE are honest and fair. I also believe that they do have a biased or suspicious view of most people they meet on the job. But then again, so do most of the workers I see in courts, the jails and even most of the judges.

Hey, they see criminals everyday. The majority are guilty of what they are charged with. The same goes for the people we bail. Maybe one out of 150 or so we bail are actually innocent of the charges they face. I ask them. They all usually say yes they did it.

We get a lot of bail from people arrested for carrying weapons, drugs or have warrants for FTAs' on smaller cases. They were caught during a traffic stop for rolling through a stop or some other minor tarffic violation. Some times I think the LEO will make up an alleged traffic violation to make the stop. Is that fair? Nope, but very effective.

Author:  HGUNNER [ Thu 31 Aug 2006 17:58 ]
Post subject:  bias

Tony you are right leos do develop a bias and a different attitude over years of service--the perspective of the way people are change with time-in most acameys you are taught to distrust the public at large--in the old days you did not approch a traffic stop with your hand on your weapon-now just about all teach you to approch a stopped vehicle with your hand on your weapon--no matter what most cops say it is an us against them situation--there are bad cops crooked cops like there are bad crooked beas like there are bad crooked firemen and bad crooked mechanics--people are just that way--i have said before there are felons out on the street that i would trust more than some cops i know

Tony as far as attitude goes in my time it helped me stay alive and i still have the cop mentality to this day(18 years after i was retired)my attitude may have soften a little but it is in the backround every day and that is why i would not make a good bondsmen

Author:  Kathy [ Thu 31 Aug 2006 19:46 ]
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LEO's are biased, no doubt about it. This is particularly true in small towns where everybody knows everybody. That is why I get a lot of frequent flyers on my bonds. If the LE doesn't like you, they will use any excuse to get you. But, while these people may be under more scrutiny because of the bias, they keep doing illegal things to get themselves arrested. Most of it is minor, but it keeps building until they end up serving time, again and again. It is a way of life for them.

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