Fugitive Recovery Network (FRN)

America Needs a New Direction and a New Congress
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Author:  Yak [ Wed 09 Aug 2006 05:31 ]
Post subject: 

My parent’s dreams were shaped through the pain, sacrifice and hope of the Depression and World War II. They never graduated from college. And at home, they did not have electricity or a telephone. My parents worried about their eight children, but they put their faith and hope in the American Dream and in the opportunity America provided to the common man.

The parents would'nt have had to worry about "8" children during hard times if they had enough sense NOT to have that many, knowing how tough times are.

He also failed to mention on the Democrats "do list" is to make BEA's a thing of the past.

Author:  HoundDog [ Wed 09 Aug 2006 07:51 ]
Post subject: 

Yak, that is a typical left leaniing polictical diatribe, all they can do is whine and cry since the Republicans took control of both houses. Let us not forget how the Democrats controlled both houses for over 40 years and what shape we were in. All they managed to do was create a society that depended on social programs for their daily sustinance, look at all the government will take care of you programs to keep everyone down and dependant on the government for survival. Remember according to the left side of government we can't survive without their help we are all too stupid!

Author:  KARMA [ Wed 09 Aug 2006 10:03 ]
Post subject: 

But also let us not forget that the ones that whine the hardest are the ones that did not make the effort to even get to the polls.
And we ALL know someone that is using the system in one form or another -
we just choose to close our eyes when it is someone that we know personally.
Hopefully when the time comes there will be some of the money left that actually got paid in.
However as Bob pointed out there are some that live off of those special programs - and enjoy their freedoms off of others hard work.
Thankfully it did not take a village to raise our kids and we never depended on the State, Local, or Federal government to help us with feeding, clothing or health care, and never played on the sympathy of others. Even when we could have used the help honestly.
We have three great kids that beleive that if you want something you have to earn it.

Author:  KARMA [ Wed 09 Aug 2006 11:54 ]
Post subject: 

What exactly do you do????
Usually I think that people watch a little too much television - - - however in this caes I think that is too much surfing.

Author:  KARMA [ Wed 09 Aug 2006 12:18 ]
Post subject: 

let me know when the sky falls Chicken Little

Author:  Yak [ Wed 09 Aug 2006 12:55 ]
Post subject: 

surfers ...... NE ...... :lol:

Author:  KARMA [ Wed 09 Aug 2006 13:14 ]
Post subject: 

Funny, Yak, It used to be called "surfing" the web - guess that I need to hang out a little more so that I know what the correct terminology is.
Oh, is October when I need to make sure that I am stocked up on duct tape, toliet paper and the such.
No, "8" I do not need anybody to point out anything - my powers of observation are more astute than that.
Do you even read the stuff you post you sound like a fanatic that beleives every thing that is put in print.
The majority of what one reads in the papers is all hype just to sell a paper - I personally learned that a long time ago.
But hey that is why I love my country we can all be free.
Police State, I don't see that happening - there are too many out there that would stand up for their freedom.
Once again call when the sky is falling. not before.

Author:  Eagle [ Wed 09 Aug 2006 14:02 ]
Post subject: 

Not that I read alot of his "posts from the underground", but, at least when crazy 8 cut and pasted his posts, the grammer was where you could understand it...

Author:  KARMA [ Wed 09 Aug 2006 14:56 ]
Post subject: 

Definitions taken from Websters II New College Dictionary (of course the dictionary is 5 years old so the definitions may have changed - not)

Astute - Adj. - Keen in judgement: Shrewd.

Shrewd - Adj. Having keen insight : Astute
No where does it state "in regards to ones own concerns"

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