Fugitive Recovery Network (FRN)

"Lion" Lion Fugitive Recovery Agency.
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Author:  B Williams [ Thu 25 Apr 2013 07:23 ]
Post subject:  "Lion" Lion Fugitive Recovery Agency.

Long story short. Lion was asked by me, to speak with a guy I had never dealt with, but this guy needed help in apprehending a skip in California. Turns out this guy had no regard for any bail laws, just wanted the skip picked up and put on a non stop flight to NC. The guys name is Mike Schon who says he is a G A and recovery agent and writes for Bankers. Well, Mike might not have had any regard for the bail laws in California but Lion sure did. Schon, wanted the skip, Lion was willing to pick the guy up, but was going to do it in a legal professional manner or not do it at all. Turns out, Lion chose the "Not do it at all" route. Now Mike Schon has just soiled his reputation, (assuming it wasn't already soiled) and he will probably be paying the forfeiture this Monday morning. I couldn't be more proud of Lion. He could have picked up a few fast bucks but chose his reputation over a few bucks. Lion is a member of NABBI and I think he is also an Area Director, with NABBI. With people like Lion, maybe there is hope for this business after all!!

BTW, I've since called Mike Schon and told him to lose my number, if he contacts one of you, I suggest you watch this guy closely.

Author:  Mdbtyhtr [ Thu 25 Apr 2013 13:04 ]
Post subject:  Re: "Lion" Lion Fugitive Recovery Agency.

I would have expected nothing less of Mr. Edwards. Nobody has power over you, that you do not allow them to have and he had the balls to tell a person with no concern for the penalty of his actions to go away.
I too am proud of both of you.

Author:  SURETYRISKMANAGEMENT [ Thu 25 Apr 2013 13:19 ]
Post subject:  Re: "Lion" Lion Fugitive Recovery Agency.

Now Schon is posting the following message in two groups on LinkedIn:
"URGENT, URGENT, I am looking for a bondsman/ hunter in or near the Stockton, CA area that can respond VERY quickly on a skip I have there. Thanks."

That sounds pretty desperate to me. I think that somebody is going to end up paying a summary judgment...

It isn't that difficult to follow the letter of the law when attempting to apprehend a bail fugitive in California who has fled from another state. I'm glad that Lion told him to pound sand. I'm proud of him for sticking to his guns. Way to go!

Author:  Yak [ Thu 25 Apr 2013 15:07 ]
Post subject:  Re: "Lion" Lion Fugitive Recovery Agency.

Great Job Lion & Bill, ... keeping your integrity and professionalism on top is always to be admired.

So this lowlife Schlong is now publicly begging for help. The SAD part of this story is that there will more than likely another hunter who's hungary and will take the case. I myself hope this lowlife idiot HAS to pay the forfeiture and loses. Unfortunately this is another example of decline in this disfunctional industry. I have personally seen desparation take down hunters and I believe it will never change.

Author:  speezack [ Thu 25 Apr 2013 18:24 ]
Post subject:  Re: "Lion" Lion Fugitive Recovery Agency.

I met Lion several years ago.... Las Vegas as I recall... I am a pretty good judge of character... most of the time... integrity is a word we all wish to have but often is missed in the course of business.... the reaching for the gold ring... Lion and a few others on here have that word in their pockets and on their sleeve...

I'm not at all surprised .... keep up the good work Lion... see ya in Long Beach.

Author:  B Williams [ Thu 25 Apr 2013 18:43 ]
Post subject:  Re: "Lion" Lion Fugitive Recovery Agency.

My original post may come off as I was surprised by Lion's professionalism. Nothing could be farther from the truth. My intent was and still is to show that we have some fine people in this profession and Lion certainly is one of them. I met Lion in Philly and was impressed from the get go. I like a man that does his job with little or no fan fare and Lion certainly fits the bill!! The only people he tries to impress are his clients. 8)

Yak, Yep, ole "Schlong" is getting desperate!! :lol:

Author:  madamesec [ Thu 25 Apr 2013 21:17 ]
Post subject:  Re: "Lion" Lion Fugitive Recovery Agency.

Lion has always been professional person and an outstanding guy, I am proud to say I know him and he is associated with NABBI! Good job Lion! Some people look for money over integrity, not Lion!
Great job!

Author:  RCrew [ Thu 25 Apr 2013 21:30 ]
Post subject:  Re: "Lion" Lion Fugitive Recovery Agency.

This is just another of the many, many reasons that I have been honored to have Lion as my partner in this business!! Believe me, we have worked cases from one end of this state to the other and, regardless of all the miles driven, the sleepless nights and the literal 'hell holes' we have crawled in looking for skips, his dedication and professionalism never wavers!

Author:  OrangeCountyBounty [ Thu 25 Apr 2013 23:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: "Lion" Lion Fugitive Recovery Agency.

The consumate professional and an awesome representative of NABBI, and the surety bail trades in general. Love these stories.

Author:  LION [ Thu 02 May 2013 21:34 ]
Post subject:  Re: "Lion" Lion Fugitive Recovery Agency.

I would like to say thank you to all for those kind words. We need to save our industry and we need to start with ourselves. You have decide what you stand for and own up to it. No man should have the power over you that you do not give him. It will hurt your pocket for a while, but good things come to those who wait. Your name should mean more to you than a dollar. You are in the business to put people in jail not yourself. You are in the business to get people out of jail not to put yourself there. If you stand for integrity and respect, then that is what you will drive. At the end you will get what is due to you. It may take days, weeks, months, years it will get there someday. I understand it is a though business but that will separate you from the sheep in wolf clothing.

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