Fugitive Recovery Network (FRN)

Assault ban perspective
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Author:  speezack [ Fri 21 Dec 2012 20:39 ]
Post subject:  Assault ban perspective

In 2005 the M4 was an assault weapon... in 1968 the M16 was an assault weapon... when I went through basic training at Paris Island, SC, in 1961.... the M1 Garand was an assault weapon... in 1863 the Springfield 3 banded musket was an assault weapon... in 1775 the full stocked Pennsylvania flintlock was an assault weapon... gunpowder was invented in the 9th. century and the first basic firearm was in China and at that time..... the "fire lance" I think it was referred to .... was the assault weapon of the day.... in 20,000 BC... the stone ax was an assault weapon.... we're talking semantics here.... there is, as already brought up... only the physical appearance difference between a semi-auto "hunting" rifle and a semi-auto "assault" rifle.... it is no better or no worse... as a matter of fact, my bolt action Winchester 30.06 with a 3X10 Leopold scope is.... IMHO... a much better killer than the AR15... sure, it doesn't shoot as fast but hey........... it is the appearance that scares people... I personally am afraid of a stone ax..... but if I can get my hands on my M4, which I legally own and is also only a semi-auto... I think I can stop someone from using that stone ax on me or my family....

... oh, one more quickie.... I can change out a 5 round magazine and begin firing my weapon with very little time difference against the man with the 30 round mag.... your talking seconds and again.... it is the appearance that is scaring most people.... frankly, the real difference is negligible.... so he carries 5 or 6 mags instead of one big one... what frankly is the real difference???

... and that's my opinion on that............... 8)

Author:  tsuggs [ Sat 22 Dec 2012 00:19 ]
Post subject:  Re: Assault ban perspective

The mayor of that great constituional rights city of San Francisco wants to ban civilian access to hollow point bullets.

They were dsigned for law enforcement and military use only.

Also, have gun stores report any sales of 500 rounds or more to any one buyer at any one time, to local law enforcement.

Ok, that soves the mass shooting problems.

Can we now get back to more important things, like how did the Mayans screw up the end of the world date!

Author:  Yak [ Sat 22 Dec 2012 10:15 ]
Post subject:  Re: Assault ban perspective

Tony Suggs Wrote:
The mayor of that great constituional rights city of San Francisco wants to ban civilian access to hollow point bullets.

They were dsigned for law enforcement and military use only.

In NJ, ... they banned hollow points a few years ago and the penalty for being caught in your possession is now 5 years per bullet, more than having a gun. Alas they can be purchased right next door in PA. Hell, WE can;t even puchase black powder here anymore, and ammo has to be signed for with a purchasers permit. ....... :roll:

Author:  tsuggs [ Sat 22 Dec 2012 10:40 ]
Post subject:  Re: Assault ban perspective

Yea, they rather have jacketed bullets that over penetrate and keep on going and hit someone else.

Author:  BondgirlCA [ Sat 22 Dec 2012 16:46 ]
Post subject:  Re: Assault ban perspective

Hey..the end of the world didn't happen, so I got drunk for nothing :)

Author:  docmike [ Sun 23 Dec 2012 14:12 ]
Post subject:  Re: Assault ban perspective

And you guys left me home :(

Author:  BondgirlCA [ Sun 23 Dec 2012 14:16 ]
Post subject:  Re: Assault ban perspective

Ummm.....you apparently had your own party last night. I heard all about it :)

Author:  speezack [ Sun 23 Dec 2012 21:33 ]
Post subject:  Re: Assault ban perspective

People, you better get used to the fact that common sense and facts will have very little to do with what comes out of Washington in this situation.

If anyone questions the overall feelings of the American public... just notice the increase in gun and ammo purchases since CT. People are scared of losing their gun rights and they are stocking up in anticipation of the loss.

It may not be in our lifetime but you can take it to the bank that a total ban is coming.... maybe far down the road but it is looming closer... you may not believe the general public would allow it but I believe that unless something rather drastic takes place... that is exactly where we are heading....

... Once again.... "how to catch a wild pig"...

Just one other thought .... am I wrong in remembering my childhood and my growing up..... I grew up in the 50's and 60's..... I remember all of us had guns (I was raised in the country)... when we had a disagreement, we just had a good old fist fight... no guns, no knives... just bust a few heads and that was about it... I never even considered using a gun for anything but self defense and hunting... does anyone remember mass murders taking place during those two decades.... anything like on a scale present day???

Do you think just maybe the drug problems that have escalated in this country have anything to do with what is taking place.... or the violent video games or the violent movies.... or the prescription drugs that many mentally ill people are on.... stress over the economy.... so..... am I mistaken here?????

Maybe I'm just a bit paranoid here.... excuse me.... I think I'll just turn off the news and go get me another cup of coffee.... oh.... but then maybe it's the caffeine.... uh............ may be???????????

Author:  Mdbtyhtr [ Mon 24 Dec 2012 07:33 ]
Post subject:  Re: Assault ban perspective

Bill, i think there are many factors: the media with 24 hour "news" allows one to hear about events globally, Gid has been removed from our schools, municipalities and our homes, single parent homes that are baby mills instead if cohesive family units, the liberal secularism and the growth of the nanny state just to ne a few.

Common sense is absent anymore and when we continue to elect liberal "smarter than you" officials, we will maintain the current status quo.


Author:  KARMA [ Tue 25 Dec 2012 11:11 ]
Post subject:  Re: Assault ban perspective

drug problems that have escalated in this country have anything to do with what is taking place.... or the violent video games or the violent movies.... or the prescription drugs that many mentally ill people are on.... stress over the economy.... so..... am I mistaken here?????

agree with you Scott 100 %

we quit teaching morals and values to our children and now the fruits of our labor are coming to be ripe . . . . The fruits of those that needed someone to tell them how to raise their kids . . . . and that is why we have so much crap going on . . .

Bill . . . I worry about all the scripts that folks are on. The side effects are scarier than the damned problem and cause way too much sorrow. When we have people teaching our children that there is no God and that when they die . . . they simply die. That I think leads to some very sad and confused Souls and there is no one to lead them to the right path . . . because they have forgotten it or were never shown it in the first place.

Not a Bible Thumper here . . . but I know where my Soul is going

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