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McDonalds tightens up!!
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Author:  speezack [ Wed 04 Jul 2012 09:08 ]
Post subject:  McDonalds tightens up!!

Just bonded a kid who worked at McDonald's.... charge was Petit Larceny.... at closing, when whatever sandwiches were left over and were headed for the trash can... this kid would take the food home to his dog.... the manager saw him take 4 old cheeseburgers out in a bag and had him arrested....

I checked this out and it is true.... no past history on this kid.... petit larceny, misdemeanor... $2000 bond... yes, I know it was against their rules but do you think he could have gotten a warning... maybe he had other issues but to hit him with this.............. uh.... who knows?

Author:  NYPD BLUE [ Wed 04 Jul 2012 09:45 ]
Post subject:  Re: McDonalds tightens up!!

sad,,, wasting food is just wrong .. and wether if it helped feed a dog or even a homeless guy after they were gonna throw it away who cares..

Author:  DMARTZ [ Wed 04 Jul 2012 10:14 ]
Post subject:  Re: McDonalds tightens up!!

I have done some work for McD's Attorney in the Fort Wayne Area . In their employment contract this is addressed and is quite clear and what he did was wrong by his contract of employment. What is faced here whether it be a dog or human is Insurance Liability. If someone or your best pet was to get sick from or die eating their sandwiches or fries or whatever McDonalds is held liable, Mega Dollar lawsuit. As regular people we see this is outrageous and a waste of food me included they see it as possible lawsuit. In this time in our history it has become Sue me, Sue you no need to go to the hospital take me to an Attorney. In defence of McDonalds they give a lot to charities and people. This is played over and over with Employees in all McDonalds across the world. Its the old CYA(cover your ass)

As PI's working cases you will find people lie, cheat, false lawsuits etc. This is coverd by contract law just like your Bonds are, its just the way a business has to be run in this day and age

Author:  SURETYRISKMANAGEMENT [ Wed 04 Jul 2012 10:52 ]
Post subject:  Re: McDonalds tightens up!!

This is extremely unfortunate.

Author:  OrangeCountyBounty [ Wed 04 Jul 2012 12:03 ]
Post subject:  Re: McDonalds tightens up!!

If the liability is the real concern, the charges should probably be something unique to the situation and not simply larceny.

Author:  DMARTZ [ Wed 04 Jul 2012 13:24 ]
Post subject:  Re: McDonalds tightens up!!

In this situation the police decided what charge to use. Larceny covers a wide range of acts from taking bicycles , pick pockets,shoplifting,theft from cars etc. It is a term used for without force or deceit.

There is a difference between theft and larceny.

It's just easier to charge him with Larceny than take years to charge him under contract law.

Laws & Charges sure are complicated

Here in Fort Wayne i can almost say that the defendant would get a slap on the wrist and turned lose with no prior records

Author:  SpanielPI [ Wed 04 Jul 2012 14:52 ]
Post subject:  Re: McDonalds tightens up!!

We don't know all the facts here. We don't know the kid hadn't been given prior warnings. The manager also used this opportunity as an example to other employees...you steel, you go to jail...period.

Author:  tsuggs [ Wed 04 Jul 2012 15:43 ]
Post subject:  Re: McDonalds tightens up!!

When I was a youngster, I worked at a McDs. Any food not sold or dropped on the floor would be places in a special "waste control" bin. It was inventoried.

That way they would be able to track every bun, patty, slice of cheese, etc. We even counted the soda cups to determine how many drinks were sold.

It was a pain in the butt at closing time to have to count all the fry bags, cups, etc.

Anyway, after the waste control bin was inventoried, they could have given him the burgers, etc for his dog. If nothing else, they could have allowed him to take them out of the dumpster.

Hell, my dogs have eaten all kinds of several days old food scraps they find on the side walk. They are still alive!

Author:  Yak [ Wed 04 Jul 2012 15:47 ]
Post subject:  Re: McDonalds tightens up!!

:shock: Then let the kid sign a waiver so McD's is free of liability. If he waited till later and took the food from the dumpster would McD's still be liable??. What about the hungry homeless folks picking dumpsters & garbage cans in search of food, its called survival. Sue happy people personaly make me sick.

Author:  DMARTZ [ Wed 04 Jul 2012 17:12 ]
Post subject:  Re: McDonalds tightens up!!

I agree John ,
But kids learn the would sue almost as fast as if you spank me i will call child protection :evil:

If i was to have told my dad i would call on him he would have handed me the phone and continued to bust my butt

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