Fugitive Recovery Network (FRN)

Who won this battle
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Author:  B Williams [ Thu 08 Sep 2011 13:25 ]
Post subject:  Who won this battle

Was hired to locate, apprehend and jail a skip who had just gotten out of the army. (airborne) Drove to Alabama starting at 11:00 pm night bedore last. Apprehended him at approx 4:30 am, his time, at his Aunts house. Drove to Rockinham County placed him in jail and had another 6 hours to get home. Driving, listening to "Dirt Road" wanting to get back to my wife and craving a glass of her famous iced tea. The Explorer made this strange sound and was no longer in gear, pulled to the side of the road in Winston Salem NC called a wrecker who took my vehicle to a shop about a mile away cost 50 bucks. My buddy came and got me, took me home, 3 1/2 hours. got to bed at 1:00 am, called the shop a few minutes ago the transmission is shot and now I have to have it towed 3 1/2 hours to my home. ( or burn it down, haven't decided yet)

26 hours on the road including jail time, broken down vehicle, gonna cost a small fortune to have it towed back and a large fortune to have it repaired. Now the defendant is sitting or laying in jail, no responsibilities, appointed attorney as of 2 pm today and will get probation in about 3 weeks. I'm wondering who actually won in this deal. You want to be a recovery agent huh? You gotta love this work to stay in it and I dang sure love it !!! Preparing for my next skip.

Who won ? I did !! Man, I love my work, problems and all.

If this made little or no sense see above remarks.

Author:  tsuggs [ Thu 08 Sep 2011 14:16 ]
Post subject:  Re: Who won this battle

The Explorer won!

It get s new or rebuilt tranny, a couple days off to rest and a nice and slow ride back home once its all repaired.

Its getting back at you for all the spilt drinks, fast food bags and other trash left in it and of course, the smelly, sometimes not too happy "passengers" that you gave a ride to jail.

Author:  B Williams [ Thu 08 Sep 2011 14:28 ]
Post subject:  Re: Who won this battle

You missed the part where it might get burned down, Tony.

Author:  tsuggs [ Thu 08 Sep 2011 16:00 ]
Post subject:  Re: Who won this battle

Burn down!

How could you with all those great memories of long cold nights, waiting to eye ball the skip. Or the long hot days, cold coffee or warm slurpies and a full bladder waiting to burst.

Aw, all those great memories you just want to throw away. How insensitive you are.

Fix your old friend and she will give you years of more unforgetable fond memories.

Besides, it will be cheaper than buying a new one.

Author:  B Williams [ Thu 08 Sep 2011 18:03 ]
Post subject:  Re: Who won this battle


I guess you brought out my sensitive side. I've made arrangements to have it towed to my mechanic in Asheville. I couldn't "burn it down" anyways. For some odd reason I feel like knitting tonight. Have to dry my eyes first !

Take care

Author:  tsuggs [ Thu 08 Sep 2011 18:56 ]
Post subject:  Re: Who won this battle

It is ok to get in touch with your "feminine" side. Remember, women like sensitive men!


Author:  Jayc4929 [ Thu 08 Sep 2011 21:33 ]
Post subject:  Re: Who won this battle

Wow Bill,
your story is similar to mine only my Blazer was already home when my truck slipped into four wheel drive on its own while I was backing up.Tore up the transmission and now over 2 thousand into it and a whole new(used) blazer.Think I posted about it a little here or on FB.It was one of the reasons I didnt make it to the crabsmash,fell way behind on work but I am getting back on track finally!!

So I feel you whole heartedly on this topic!!

P.S. anyone need any Blazer parts?!

Author:  B Williams [ Fri 09 Sep 2011 08:18 ]
Post subject:  Re: Who won this battle

I remember your car troubles now Jay. Hope you have things fixed and ready to go. I'm hoping to have mine at a mechanic I've used for years, by the end of the day. I'm sort of fortunate in that I have a couple more vehicles that I use. (older ones) and if all else fails I'll drive my wife's Nissan XTerra. She's really hoping I don't do that...lol

She's seen my cars when I return from work, so she's not too happy about the thought of my using hers.

Take care

Author:  BigDave [ Fri 09 Sep 2011 12:43 ]
Post subject:  Re: Who won this battle

I hate car trouble especially when your not near home.
I was on my way back home from the crabsmash, in all that rain, when my alternator went right when I was entering Delaware. It was Sunday and of course no mechanics were open except PepBoys and they wanted $453 parts and labor.......rip off. So I bought the alternator from Autozone and changed it in the parking lot myself.

Author:  Mdbtyhtr [ Fri 09 Sep 2011 12:48 ]
Post subject:  Re: Who won this battle

Depending on the year of your Exploder, it is probably an AOD or AODE trans, the only difference is hydraulic or electric lock up of the torque converter. The easiest way to tell is there are 2 wires or 3 into the side of the trans. Also be sure and check the throttle body cable to the trans, they are plastic at the throttle body and famous for becoming brittle and just breaking off. This may have been the cause of the failure. Flush the cooler out both directions, if you can't get it clean, replace it.

Now back to bounty hunting!


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