Fugitive Recovery Network (FRN)

Runners are funner
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Author:  derek317 [ Tue 26 Apr 2011 05:00 ]
Post subject:  Runners are funner

You know I have been thinking. I love when they run, as long as you catch them. It is so much better than when they hide, or fight back. I had a 46 year old female recently that made me chase her. Sweet girl and full of spunk. I got to talking to her and complemented her on it. Suggested she take it up as a hobby instead of robbery and theft. Anyways, anybody else prefer runners to hiders?

Author:  NYPD BLUE [ Tue 26 Apr 2011 05:25 ]
Post subject:  Re: Runners are funner

I hate both running & chasing .. I prefer (Discharged & Vacated)....I love when my Clients go to court and finish their cases and my bond gets Discharged.. when I was a cop all that running was all fine and dandy.. and the hiding and trying to locate them too... but now that I am not getting paid by the hour to be on the clock to hunt and fight and chase these people all over town while out on bonds is just not fun for me anymore.. yes it is a necessary evil to our business but I prefer to go fishing or just lay out by the beach and relax with cold beers in hand for both activities I just mentioned, while my clients go to court like good boys and girls.. ahh if it were just a perfect world like that .. now back to my reality .. :wink:

Author:  speezack [ Tue 26 Apr 2011 07:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: Runners are funner

I can't run anymore but when I could... I will say that chasing girls was more fun than chasing boys... every once in a while I would actually catch one... and then on occasion... the tables would turn and I had to run.... only two caught me... and I have yet to get away from the second one.... :shock:

uh... I did chase a few in Florida back in the 60's... but I was not in the bond business then.... actually, I was not in any business... well................... maybe "monkey business"............. 8)

Author:  tsuggs [ Tue 26 Apr 2011 09:31 ]
Post subject:  Re: Runners are funner

I had one or two chase me in high school, geez that must have been back in '69 0r '70. Then I chased everything in a skirt from '71 to '79.

Back in Milwaukee at that time if you wore a skirt you were really a girl. So it was safe to chase them.

Alas, I settled down for the first time in '79. Chasing days were over even to today.

Now I try to take a peek when the Boss isn't watching, which is always so, no more chasing or peeking.

But every now and then the Boss will let me play hide the..........

Author:  DSI [ Tue 26 Apr 2011 09:40 ]
Post subject:  Re: Runners are funner

Your job as a bail enforcement agent is not about driving fast cars, busting down doors, and reckless foot pursuits of defendants. You job is to locate and apprehend defendants that failed to appear in court as order. To protect the bail bondsmen interest in the case, to include civil liability for your actions.

Poor planning or no plan at all leads to criminal sanctions and civil lawsuits, and the loss of ones livelihood. Pre-planning to include the what ifs and whys, along with a low impact style will do you well in this industry.

Author:  Jayc4929 [ Tue 26 Apr 2011 14:02 ]
Post subject:  Re: Runners are funner

I personally prefer the hiding and that is usually what I get due to as Gene stated"pre-planning" I dont want any kind of runner because if they get to running were are the running to? is it to a nieghbors house were they can cause harm to someone else or will they run out into the street and get hit by a vehicle causing an accident or two,not including the damage they could do to themselves.Liability is a key word here,it is our job to protect the integrity and general good name of the bondsmen we work for and a huge public display is not going to do that.Our liability also is to maintain the safety of that defendant as well as the public that may be in the general area.We all know that alot of these people do not want to return to jail and some will do whatever it takes to get away.

I do everything in my power to not give them the option to run.By that I mean I can usually corner them in thier residence which is what I prefer to do.We can surround the place and cover all exits,in a way that kind of keeps us in control of the situation to a cerain extent.Of course thats when they try to hide and at least than you have alot smaller of an area to search rather than searching the woods or any place else they choose to run to.

It may not always work out to were I find the defendant in thier residence but I can choose to follow them there or set up a plan IF it absolutely had to happen in public were the defendant could not run due to being surrounded.NEVER let them get into a vehicle if they have already spotted you,That vehicle is a weapon that they can and will use in most cases.Anyway now I am rambling again :roll: so I will leave you with my current long winded answer!! lol

Author:  KARMA [ Tue 26 Apr 2011 16:48 ]
Post subject:  Re: Runners are funner

hmmmm . . . Like Gene, I prefer my folks to take care of their business. I do NOT run. I do not loses my folks.

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