Fugitive Recovery Network (FRN)

anyone in Fayetteville,NC?
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Author:  Jayc4929 [ Tue 15 Jun 2010 23:57 ]
Post subject:  anyone in Fayetteville,NC?

who do we have here that is located in Fayetteville,North Carolina? I may be headed that way to pick up a defendant,just waiting on my client to let me know if district attorney is giving him an extension or not.Still looking up information on defendant also, but i wont have much time if the D.A. ok's the extension so will have to kick it into high gear once given the go ahead.

Author:  Yak [ Wed 16 Jun 2010 05:52 ]
Post subject:  Re: anyone in Fayetteville,NC?

Jay, ... Give Max Astor a call, NC_PI (704) 200-6123.

Author:  Mdbtyhtr [ Wed 16 Jun 2010 09:19 ]
Post subject:  Re: anyone in Fayetteville,NC?

Max is in Charlotte on the other side of the state. Fayetteville is on the 95 corridor.

Poindexter and Associates is in that AOI.


Author:  Jayc4929 [ Thu 17 Jun 2010 20:07 ]
Post subject:  Re: anyone in Fayetteville,NC?

thanks scott im not sure i know the person you are refering to though.
I do know of max though so thank you as well yak,just need someone thats already fairly close or in Fayetteville

Author:  speezack [ Sat 19 Jun 2010 11:39 ]
Post subject:  Re: anyone in Fayetteville,NC?

I picked up a skip in Fayetteville several years ago and found the local LE to be very accommodating... had no trouble at all...

Myself, my son and my son in law found my skip in an apartment, entered and his girlfriend said he was not there but the bathroom was locked and she said her little boy was inside because we had scared him and would not open the door... she threatened us with calling the local LE... she did in fact call the police and told them that 3 men were in her house with guns... a swat team of 3 or 4 guys showed up with auto weapons and all decked out in battle gear.... we remained very calm, showed them our paperwork and calmly told them that we believed the fellow was in the bathroom... they ordered the lady to open the door (what we told her was that if he was not in there it was not a problem but if he was and she made us break down the door, she would be charged with 'harboring a fugitive' and/or obstruction" so she complied) and when she did... our guy was in fact in there... as we had suspected... we took him into custody and the local LE shook our hands and we thanked them for being so professional and working with us.... if you do things right they will often work out well.

I only posted this as related to the AO you are fixin' to get into... NC is usually fairly ok with bondsmen and recovery agents that act properly and professionally. I have never had a problem in Carolina...... to date.

Author:  Jayc4929 [ Sat 19 Jun 2010 20:53 ]
Post subject:  Re: anyone in Fayetteville,NC?

thanks for that bit of information Bill.I find that in all cases it is best to act professional in every aspect when dealing with any LEO of any state.Usually get a little more respect and help when you are professional and courteous,kind of like the old saying"you catch more flies with honey".
I have looked into the laws of NC that applied to our business but have not found anything that stated that we can not recover a defendant there.I did find the laws about being a resident there and being a recovery agent but nothing stating anything about out of state agents.Correct me if i am wrong please,J24Bail gave me a link to the NC laws but i still didnt see anything pertaining to out of state agents.
Bondsman is trying to contact the mother of the defendant(which was not helpful at all in the first place)hopefully defendant doesnt get spooked by this.Anyway,still waiting for my client to send me out on this one.hopefully i get to get this case cleared up soon.

Author:  speezack [ Sun 20 Jun 2010 07:19 ]
Post subject:  Re: anyone in Fayetteville,NC?

I honestly do not know the actual legalities of NC recovery... I do know that as a licensed Virginia bondsman, I have entered NC on many occasions and as long as I have my paperwork in order it has never been a problem... that includes everything that would come into play on a recovery.

I think NC is one of the better states but of course I am speaking from the hip and not the laws... as mentioned, I have never had a problem there.

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