Fugitive Recovery Network (FRN)

Things we've seen on the job
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Author:  reddragon116 [ Sat 08 May 2010 21:18 ]
Post subject:  Things we've seen on the job

I'm still a young pup' to most of you all out there, but hoped that again I could ask for some guidance, words of encouragement, or help.

I took in another defendant who was young, pregnant, much like that girl I mentioned in a previous post. And as I mentioned I've have had a lot of young kids come into my sights lately. Tonight was not a fun one for me - came home, spent time with my daughter and Fantasy Goddess - but a movie was on: "Gone Baby Gone". For those who haven't seen it, it's about a kidnapped girl from the projects.

It shook me up, and it reminded me of a couple of cases I've worked out in the inner cities of Atlanta and Athens. Immediately I had some flashbacks of the smell of crack-houses, visions of the impoverished homes, and the "Ghetto"...

Two of my weaknesses: 1) I am still new to this world and 2) I have a big heart (as Rick my boss would say).

During the last couple of months I've had very vivid dreams about this line of work. Certain things remind me of cases, places, situations I've been in. When I come home at night from the office I have to pass by a few chicken processing plants and the smell reminds me of a hotel room we hit for a guy who almost OD'd on drugs and alcohol; the smell of vomit, stale food and vodka, urine, feces, and a general lack of hygiene flared my nostrils and the next thing I know I have flashbacks of this guy coughing blood as we're encouraging him to hold on as the EMTs work on him.

...he lived, thank God, and thus far is clean.

Tonight I saw that movie, was reminded of some of the places I've been to and apprehended defendants at, and it shook me up. Part of it was because I have a child now, worrying about what happens later when she dates and goes out, and the other part is because I really just want to know where has humanity gone wrong?

The last time I was like this was when I came home. But, to me it was different...it was over there. Now, this is here, our backyard, my backyard, and it as naive as the saying goes has "hit me home". And at night, sometimes, I just feel like I could do something, anything, to help those who screwed up, or for those who really have missed the band-wagon, want to make sure that they stay in the tank as long as possible.

Despite all of this, I can live with it...and love what I do, and I would trade NOTHING in the world to continue on what I'm doing...but I look at my little girl and sometimes I wonder what I'm going to say when she says "Daddy, what's wrong with the world?"

Author:  Jayc4929 [ Sat 08 May 2010 23:03 ]
Post subject:  Re: Things we've seen on the job

I grew up in projects in NY and i have seen and lived this type of tragedy.A bit of personal info on me is that my mother was a crack addict so alot of these cases involving drugs hits home as well.I can not allow that to cloud my judgement in anyway.Most people dont see this side of society 1st hand and choose to ignore the fact that it even exists,others live it or have to work within it.Some people lead very sheltered lives and never have to see any of the nasty aspects of our society.You cannot allow it to harden your heart but learn from it and create a thicker skin.You cant save THE world but you can save YOUR world if you catch my drift.Addicts will not change untill they are ready and i can pretty much say without a doubt that we as recovery agents will not be the ones that change them.We can give them words of encouragement and pray that they heed them but other than that you can be assured at least of one thing.That is that when you place a addict back behind bars you are in a sense helping them.they are not going to get that fix and maybe just maybe they stay there long enough to realise that they dont need the drug and to straighten up.
You do seem to have a big heart but im telling you now that it can be a downfall if used unwisely,you have now seen the gritty side of our society here stateside.Use it as a learning experience and know that you are doing your part to help these people in the best way that you can.
As for your child you can only prepare them for the world as best you know how.They will have to learn the rest on their own,thats a key part in growing up.Show them life and love,plant the seed and they will grow.Teach them to respect all walks of life and when the time comes for them to see the world for what it is they will love it and do what they can do to make their world better.

Author:  jory 12 [ Sun 09 May 2010 09:27 ]
Post subject:  Re: Things we've seen on the job

Great words of advice, I agree.

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